The Dirty Little Secret Some Copywriters Just Don’t Want You To Know.

I don't know about you, but I am a member of several business related Facebook groups.

There...I have said it! (That wasn't the dirty little secret by the way).

I find them incredibly useful for research and keeping up to date with industry trends and of course, learning new stuff.

However, in some of the groups I have noticed there is a trend for copywriters to, shall we say, "over indulge" their imagination a little.

This is not just the case with copywriting groups either, but as they are ones I have the most experience with, I will use them for my example.

You see, from some of the posts made in these groups you'd think that certain lucky individuals are rolling around on 5 star hotel beds heaped full of cash, and generally living a life of luxury based on their amazing {insert as appropriate} skills.

It's true. In the case of some of these copywriters, they do have amazing persuasive writing they've managed to persuade most people into believing their system is guaranteed to make you rich.

All you have to do is A, B and C alone (or whatever formula outlined in their book, course or Mastermind group) and voilà….you will be an overnight success.

I am sure you see this 'phenomena' in your own industry too.

You know, the ones who seem to be making millions while you plod along under the radar seemingly unnoticed?

Well, I have news for you!

Most of these ‘mega successful’ copywriters are just throwing you another sales line to get you hooked into hiring them or signing up to their eye-wateringly expensive courses or products.

There are some 'A' list copywriters out there rolling in endless beds of cash, of course.

But this is a very minuscule percentage of the industry, and they are mostly people who were at the right place at the right time or who, let's face it, know the right people and knew how to charm the pants off them.

Or maybe they were just downright lucky.

For the rest of us mere mortals, it's true that you can make a very nice living from copywriting.

Here's how:

  • If you have a few good clients, continue to nurture those great
    relationships so you can continue to build even more mutual value.
  • If you are getting referrals, build on them and become as well
    connected as possible. And don't stop.
  • If you have a particular passion or knowledge, how about packaging it
    up and selling it in some way (for copywriters this makes sense as
    they already have the sales writing skills in place).

Oh and make sure you keep practising, learning and developing your writing skills.

Rinse and repeat.

The above tips can be applied to any industry you work in really.

What I am saying is, don't look to others and compare yourself because often in the world of sales and marketing, it's all down to smoke and mirrors.

The guy who only has a few spots open this week...really? Sounds the same as last week. And we all know the power of scarcity, right?
The copywriter who no longer takes on clients as there is no need to?...Then why are they still marketing themselves on every channel under the sun?

It all sounds like a good line of copy, right?

Be proud of where YOU are right now.

Focus on YOUR wins, progress and talents.

And remember

You're doing just fine.

Thank you for reading my post. Do let me know what you think. I am a strong believer in supporting each other so if you follow me, I follow back. I like good people like you in my news feed

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