Marvelous Tales #12 - Why Squirrels Have Bushy Tails

My entry this week into Marvellous Tales #12

Why Squirrels Have Bushy Tails

Could the rumor possibly be true?
I'll leave that decison up to you....

What do you think makes autumn arrive?
What makes the leaves take a nose dive?

How do the leaves change from green to red,
or orange, brown or yellow instead?

Well, every year is just the same...
To the squirrels it's just a game.

We all know they have been planting woods for years
From every forgotten buried seed, the shoot appears.

But come October out their bushy tails pop
As they paint every leaf from bottom to top.

It is the reason why squirrels have a bushy tail
So they can make Autumn happen without fail

When the race is over for painting the most leaves
They swing and swing on the branches eaves

Until all the leaves fall to the ground
One by one without making a sound

Only when the trees are shaken bare
With one or two leafs hanging there

Winter starts and Autumn is done
The squirrels have had their fun.

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