Marvelous Tales #5 - [The dance of Water]


The Dance of Water

It was an exciting day in the temple. Mearas always looked forward to the day of choosing. She'd seen it many times in her years as a priestess and was enjoying the examination, after all these children whould become part of their ancient order, tasked with watching over the elements, how could she not be excited? Many young prospects had already been found but this last one didn't look very promising. Mearas and the other high priests where seated at a long plain wooden table in the temple's gardens. Two large braziers where lit on either side of the table giving off a warm glow and lighting the rapidly darkening sky. Before them a statue of a serene woman was pouring water into the pond from the jug cradled in her arms. The sound of the gentle splashing mixed with the insects songs, creating what Mearas thought was a very pleasent evening indeed.

The child in front of them was the last to be tested this day. She was standing shyly in front of them staring intently at her feet. The girl wasn't couldn't be older then eight. Much to young to be tested, but the priest who found her was adamant, so here she was. "What's your name child? And what's your element?" Mearas asked. "ehm.. J-J-June miss, and i like w-w-water miss" the girl stammered, blushing furiously. What was the priest thinking bringing this girl in for testing? She couldn't even controll her own voice, let alone the elements around her. She smiled gently at the girl "Shows us what you can do then June my dear".

June fidgited around for a few moments before taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. As she slowly raised her hands it suddenly became quiet. the insects had fallen silent and Mearas realiced the sound of water had also vanished. As she turned around her eyes widened. There, rising out of the pond where dozens strands of water. As Mearas watched the strands started taking shape, swirling into tiny animals. Once fully formed they seemed to spring to life, a bunny hopped up in the air and landed with a gentle splash on June's outstretched hand. A snake, it's watery form glinting in the light of the braziers, wrapped itself around the little girls leg while 2 tiny birds tweeted happily around her face. Deers, wolfs, bears and dozens of other animals all liquid turned to life danced around the child. She was standing in the middle of all that serenely smiling and beaming at what she had created.
She lowered her arms then, and as one the animals made their way back to the pond melding back into their sanctuary. The girl looked up at the high priests who were staring openmouthed at the pond, unable to take their eyes of it. "W-w-was that ok M-m-miss?" She stammered. Mearas, snapping back to her senses, stared at the girl for a moment. Then stood up and hugged the child. "Yes dear, you pass. You'll make a great priestess one day"

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