Marvelous Tales #10 - Mirror, mirror on the windshield ... what do you tell me of the past

Slouched over from age and all wrinkled the old widow knocked on the car window. She was living alone with a cat, her three sons left quite some time ago.
The young woman nervously opened the window to hear the old widow's plea to give her a ride to the town. The plea didn't fit well into the young woman's schedule, for she was already late for work, but she offered the old woman a ride anyway. It was obvious that she was the designated driver of the day.
Little did the young woman know of the impact the old widow's words had on her since the beginnings of her life. Even for the old widow it might have been the far away past she could not even remember. Despite of being just an ordinary human, the old widow’s spell she has cast on her driver of the day worked its dark magic.
The young woman was just a newborn baby brought home by her mother and father. On the first look she was no different than any other newborn. The parents moved into the house of her father’s parents - a little two room house in the suburbs surrounded by a big garden with a never to dry well, a thread of water found by her grandfather. She was the only granddaughter in the family of grandsons. Neighbors in that street knew each other for a long time. The newborn’s grandfather was a well-respected man and the only one with water giving well in times of drought in the community of gardeners who were producing vegetables and flowers for the market in the area where there was no waterworks. In times of draught he was always giving the neighbors the water for free. And, the newborn’s father was a sailor who has traveled around the planet, most probably the only one in that community than, and the only one in the family who has finished secondary school which he paid by himself by bookkeeping for the boarding school, giving free instructions to his fellow schoolmates and welding all the beds for the boarding school. And the daughter’s mother was a very gentle, kind, diligent young woman who would never do any harm to her child or others.
Pretty soon a decision was made to build another small house attached to the old one on the compound. Her grandfather handed over a part of the parcel to his firstborn son to build a house upon - a decision by which all hell broke loose for the young couple and their newborn daughter, hell they have never ever anticipated coming.
On the first construction day, her father’s sister publicly accused him of being a thief and stealing their father’s property. After that no-one in the street was talking to the young couple, no-one greeted them. The old widow didn’t miss the event and cast a spell on the newly born girl, saying, “She (the newborn’s mother) will never be able to raise her children into well-mannered people.”
Spirit people heard the accusation and some of them started dreaming a lifelong, hurtful, and abusive snare for the daughter and her parents. Other negative and accusative words were added later on to the web, like the knots of that snare dreamt by the dreaming weavers. They have all the time there is in the entire universe to do this. It wasn’t meant for the couple’s daughter to ever come out of the dark dreaming snare.
Before a happy couple has now become desperate and depressed. No matter what they did, their newborn daughter cried incessantly felling and expressing their pain. Decades later, she remembered being held in her mother’s lap as a half year old infant and all she could feel was sort of a bubble of suffering, like being wrapped in a cloud of her mother’s enormous pain, suffering, and sadness.
The young couple did build the little house, and then another one, moved and raised their later two children in educated, well-mannered children. But then some spirit persons decided to pull together the knots of the snare cast by negative accusations of ordinary people and dreamt by dreamweavers.
The daughter was now thrown back into the community of the street she was brought into after birth. She couldn’t get herself a job despite her education, occasionally used drugs and alcohol and had a boyfriend who didn’t care about earning for a living, who only wanted to live on producing and selling drugs, drinking alcohol and living on the girlfriend’s earnings as comfortable as possible, and giving treats to his and their friends. No matter how hard the young woman tried to escape the situations the dreamweavers snare was producing, she was always sucked back into it. Even if it looked to her that she came out of the snare, and started living a normal life, and even became a person her parents managed to raise her into, the knots of the negative spells of ordinary people and later some spiritual people worked their negative magic and pulled her back into the foggy darkness of the meaning of the negative spells. Even the community of the street got to experience its fair share of the widow’s spell cast upon the most defenseless member then. They couldn’t escape it, not even when they tried, yet none of them remembered what has spellbound the community. Only the young woman knew that it was the negative words, the false accusations that ruined everything.

The prompt words for this contest are: widow, mirror

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