Marvelous Tales Contest # 14 - What a Bad Darkness!

It was still dark and cold this late winter early morning when Ria waited in the silent classroom for her pupils in the morning daycare. Tiny bit of light was shining through those big school windows already, as the days were becoming longer approaching spring day by day.

Two weeks have passed since Ria’s morning daycare pupils were playing their daily morning hide-and-seek throughout the first floor. The classroom wasn't big enough for them, and they were all alone in the whole school building, anyway. No one objected. Maybe they just kept it to themselves, not telling anyone, so they could keep the game, the place, and their joy for themselves.

Winter was just great for their game, dark and secretive, and if anyone was cold from their way to the school, they quickly warmed up. They kept it as silent and the place as dark as possible. Just right for the Hide-and-Seek game! Sometimes it looked they were coming to attend the school just to play the game that mesmerized them.

Ria waited patiently, wondering if anyone will show up or did they just prolonged their vacation, observing the silent passing of time, the passing of seasons, and the slightly increasing light.

Finally, the first pupil entered the classroom, breaking the silence, and clamoring against the approaching spring, “What a bad darkness!”

This is a story for the Marvelous tales Contest #14, prompt words: dark, cold

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