Marvelous Tales #9 - Jonathan and the Dance of the Leaves (Short Story - Fantasy)



The leaf twirled and danced as it made its way towards the ground. Shades of orange and red that caught the sun's light in glimpses filtered by the giant oak tree from which it fell. Branches hung gently overhead, creating a canopy that stretched out from the massive trunk. It was Jonathan's crown. He always had a sense of majesty when he lay beneath the giant branches, easing his way into the grooves left by the roots as they snaked their way out, pointing the way into the forest. He loved this tree and it's comforting presence. But he had never ventured further. Not once in the many months he had been visiting this spot. The forest beyond had remained a mystery.

Jonathan's mind felt stuck, bogged by his muddled thoughts. He had come straight from school. Directly from the world of other people's expectations and dreams. Here he sat, quietly contemplating his own dreams. Trying to remember what they were. That is why he came here, to this forest, and to see his friend the oak tree.

The leaf eased into his vision. Enough to stir him from his mental quagmire. His thoughts relinquished their grip, slowly vanishing from view. His eyes followed the leaf as it sailed in the breeze, descending to the earth whilst manoeuvring its way deeper into the forest. Jonathan looked up at the giant oak that stretched out above him. There were countless leaves, rustling away in the gentle wind. There usually were. Until each fell according to its own schedule. But this one seemed different somehow. More alive and vibrant. The colours sang out to Jonathan, rousing him from his melancholy. Calling out to him. Perhaps that was the wind he heard.

Jonathan, follow me.

The leaf stayed aloft as it sailed on the breeze out from the majestic oak from which it fell. Never touching the ground, it managed to glide deeper into the forest, into territories that Jonathan had never set foot. Away from the clamour and bustle of the city that lay behind, down at the bottom of the field. He stood and stepped out from his resting spot. The leaf gently danced its way into the depths. He could still see it, its golden sheen radiating a path for him to follow. He stepped forward, and hesitated. Turning, he could see the houses out past the park land that he had walked through just moments earlier. Smoke rose from several monotone buildings, spewing out their filth into the air. He was not in a hurry to return back there, back to his own world. He loved it here, in the company of the his friend the oak. But now he was being called, it seemed.

Come dance with me.

He heard the wind again. He ran after the leaf, wanting to catch up before he lost it amongst the forest world that lay ahead. This leaf did not want to fall. It had no intention to lay or rest. It sailed on, twirling around several low level branches, riding the forest's current deeper and deeper into her heart.

Follow me.

Jonathan turned and looked back. He could barely make out the giant oak that had been his resting place. Light filtered into the forest from either side of it, like a spotlight from the heavens. The city was long gone now. He turned and sought out the leaf again. A breeze brushed his cheeks, and swept around his neck and ears. It was warm, like a summer's evening. Summer had passed several months ago, but he smiled remembering the day he first stumbled on this forest. That had been his first day here in this city.

The leaf continued to glide on the forest's currents snaking first one way, then another. It seemed to know where it was going. Jonathan followed it, committed now to the journey. The lush leafy matter underfoot kept his feet comfortable, creating a carpet of reds and oranges as far as the eye could see. Jonathan wanted to stop and lay down, to pull up a blanket of leaves.

Don't stop now.

The leaf called out to him. Or was that the wind, as it twirled through the forest floor, rustling leaves, and stirring up the forest smells? It smelt so inviting, a gentle aroma that teased the nostrils, leaving the taste of sweet nectar at the back of his throat.

The leaf stopped moving forward, twirling in circles out in front of Jonathan. He stopped beside where it hung, in line with his eyes.

A gift from the forest. The water of life. Drink from it.

Jonathan heard the voice clearly. He knew leaves could not speak, but this one had. Several times. It had sailed through the air the whole way into the centre of the forest unaided. There was a breeze here, but it hadn't been that strong. Was this a magical leaf?

This is a magical forest.

He looked out and saw the waters that lay in front of him. A beautiful stream that cascaded gently through the centre of the trees all around. Golden leaves covered its banks, gently sloping down to the clear water that trickled below. He knelt down, knees softly cushioned by the blanket of shimmering leaves, and scooped the water into his mouth. It was unlike any water Jonathan had ever tasted. He didn't realise water could be so pure. It tingled through his body as he swallowed it. He felt it flow though his system, as if awakening dormant parts that lay within.

He tried to stand, but fell over backwards, cushioned by a mound of leaves that lay there waiting for him. Scooping up leaves, he threw handfuls into the air, watching them sail down on top of him. A laugh erupted from within, taking him by surprise. He loved it, it sounded so true. He wanted to keep laughing, to continue to roll around in the leaves, not worrying about a thing. He lay there, unsure about what was happening.

You can laugh for as long as you want to.

He heard the leaf again. Was it still here? There were thousands of leaves now. Which one was it?

Run, and laugh, and dance, and cry.

The sound came from beneath him. From the bed of leaves on which he lay.

Welcome to the Forest, Jonathan. You are welcome in our world.

The sound came from all around. From many different places at once. Jonathan stood up, and looked around. Hundreds of leaves danced in the air, filling the space with a rainbow of golden hues. All of them twirling and gliding as each saw fit, the wind observing from the edge of the clearing, but not interfering. Jonathan scooped up handfuls of leaves from the forest floor and threw them above his head. Each one joined the dance of the leaves all around, refusing to float back down to the ground below. Jonathan spun around, trying to witness as much of the magic as he could.

You're one of us now, Jonathan. A golden leaf free to flow in the breeze.

He ran and jumped, and danced around with the leaves until he could see the light was fading. He wanted to stay. He wanted to be a leaf and dance with the wind.

“Can I come back tomorrow?” he asked, to the gathering of leaves all around.

You can come back any time you want, Jonathan. You're one of us now.

A sea of leaves flowed out from the clearing towards the giant oak. They blazed a trail ahead and Jonathan allowed the breeze to carry him softly with them, the light reflecting off him in shades of reds and oranges. They returned him to the oak, and lay him down upon its roots and carpet of leaves. He took a deep breath, the forest smells filling his nose as the air entered his lungs.

Jonathan made his way out of the forest, as the sun set behind the brick and concrete forest. He danced his last dance over the field that lay at the forest's edge before returning to the other world he knew. He glanced over his shoulder one last time, a montage of reds, oranges, and golden hues all smiled back at him.

You're one of us now Jonathan.

This is part of @playfulfoodie's Marvelous Tales competition. The required words for this week (#9) is wind and leaf.

All images used with permission, and sourced from

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