"Marvelous Tales #17" The Mist of the Hidden Furlendwalk Green

Marvelous Tales #17, Words- Mist and Trust

There once was a fairy name Ambilean, who danced through the forests of the hidden Furlendwalk Green. Every hour, of every day, she would visit the woods, and sing away. Her song was so sweet, the animals that would feed, would gather to see her dancing, little feet. And they would sing, and dance and feel great passion, every time Ambilean would entertain in this fashion.

One day when the fairy of Furlendwalk Green, came across a big, fruiting, and leaning apple tree, she danced to the left, and then danced to the side, but she could tell with this tree, something wasn’t quite right. The tree didn’t light up, the way the other forest creatures did. She quickly decided, she must find out what it is. So, she hurriedly danced around, and up to his ear, and whispered, “Mr. Apple Tree, what is wrong with you Dear?”

The Always Apple Forest by: Evan Raditya Pratano
Apple Tree

“Oh, fairy I see you, but I can barely talk. The days are too long, and that sun is too hot. I may look like a strong, old apple tree, but during the day, the sun scorches my leaves. I have tried to lean this way, I tried with all I got, but the sun doesn’t stop shining, and I can’t find a cool spot.”

Ambilean was dumbfounded, for what could she do? She couldn’t hide the sun, and the apple tree could not move. “If only there were something, that we could do to cool you down. I will think on this all day, until a solution can be found.”

“I am very grateful, little fairy. Do what you must. I will wait for your answer. You do have my trust.”

For hours Ambilean listened to the wind and the sun. They debated the temperature, and were fighting for fun. But the clouds did not come by, for they were too scared, that the sun would dry them up, and they said, the wind was unfair.

“If I was stronger, I could bust out in stream. I could cover the sun, and make use of the wind. But my cloud is not full, because the water is naught. I can do nothing right now, but hover over this spot. Until I get some sea water to replenish my dew. I’m sorry little fairy; there’s nothing I can do.”

Waiting for Autumn by: Brooke Gillette

Ambilean considered the thought of creating a storm, but did not want the tree branches to suffer any harm. A lite drizzle is all that we need, she said shaking her fist. “I know what we need. What we need is some mist!”

With a new motivation, she gathered some breeze, and headed to the ocean to talk to the sea. “Please Mr. Ocean, won’t you help the apple tree. The days are so hot, and he cannot stand the heat. I’ve tried singing and dancing, but he just will not smile. Could you send him some mist, so he can cool off for a while?”

The sea splashed with sadness, because it wasn’t his time. “I can do nothing, you see, because it isn’t the right tide. I can give you some salt, and you can mix it with water, you must do it now, while the sun is getting hotter. Drench the forest floor with the concoction and then blow a kiss, the forest will swelter, and be covered in mist.”

Ambilean was ecstatic and flew to her nest, and she mixed up all the ingredients, and then did her best; to carry the mixture hidden in her vest, to the place in the forest that contained her new friend. When she came upon Mr. Apple Tree, he was melting and sad.

“Cheer up, tree man,” Ambilean said, “you will see that I’m back!”

“I have gathered a formula, that is better than dew. I mixed it all up, and I know just what to do!”

Fairy Dreamer’s Pond by: Paper Dreamer Art

With all the strength she could muster, Ambilean flew back and forth, covering the ground with the water, then making it soft. The ground started to swelter, and then she blew it a kiss. Her fairy breath made some steam rise, and then came the mist.

Mr. Apple Tree stood up, and greeted the breeze, as the mist rose around him, and cooled off his leaves. He smiled with such gladness, and said “That’s just what I need! I can’t believe you did all of this; all of this you did for me! There’s no way I can repay you, but please take my fruit. I don’t know if it’s true, but they say it makes for good juice.”

Ambilean danced alongside him through mist as big as tears, singing happy is the day, that we made the mist appear.

“You see, I had to help you out Mr. Apple Tree, I had to make a fuss, because I said that I would do it, and you gave me your trust. So, every afternoon this summer, I will do the same each day. I will mix the sea with the sun, and we will make the mist this way.”

And so, this went on for centuries, the fairy and the tree. And every day they would dance in the mist of the hidden Furlendwalk Green.

The End

Fairy Art Print, "McIntosh", Apple Tree Faerie Art

Fairy Apple Tree

For More Posts @simgirl, follow these links:
"Marvelous Tales #16" Sylvia’s Silver Ballet Box
The Darker Side of the Street (Part One)

How-to Sim Your Life: A Guide to Winning the Game of Life



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