[Answer and winners] Mathematics × Programming Competition #3 [公佈得獎名單] 數學 × 程式編寫比賽 (第三回)

Mathematics × Programming Competition #3
Announcement of the Answer and Winners

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Ghost Leg (aka Amidakuji) is a tiny game which is used to create random pairings between two arrays. This is commonly used in lucky draws.

A ghost leg consists of vertical lines and horizontal lines. If there are N elements in an array, there would be N vertical lines and any number of horizontal lines. Horizontal lines should be touching two adjacent vertical lines. The rule of matching is by picking a vertical line at the top, and go downwards until you hit a horizontal line. Whenever you hit a horizontal line, travel along that horizontal line. Then continue to go downwards and repeat this process until you reach the other end.

Consider this example on the left.

Obviously when there are no horizontal lines at all, the matched pairs would be {A,1}, {B,2} and {C,3}.

With the horizontal lines added, the matched pairs become {A,3}, {B,2} and {C,1}.

Make sure you understand this example before proceeding to the main question :)

Here comes the question. Consider the case N = 10. Given that when there are no horizontal lines, the matching pairs are {A,1}, {B,2}, {C,3}, {D,4}, {E,5}, {F,6}, {G,7}, {H,8}, {I,9}, {J,10}. What is the minimum number of horizontal lines to be added such that the final outcome would be {A,7}, {B,4}, {C,3}, {D,9}, {E,2}, {F,8}, {G,1}, {H,6}, {I,10}, {J,5}?

Answer 答案: 22

Consider the ghost leg graph below. It can be seen that adding a line essentially means swapping two adjacent numbers.

Therefore, our problem can be simplified as: what is the minimum number of adjacent swapping required to sort the array [7, 4, 3, 9, 2, 8, 1, 6, 10, 5] in ascending order?

It turns out that the well-known bubble sort algorithm can swap an array in shortest number of steps if only adjacent swappings are allowed. For those who don't know bubble sort, we try to swap the array [4, 2, 1, 3] back to [1, 2, 3, 4] step by step:

  1. Consider the smallest number '1' and try to move it to the leftmost position by adjacent swappings only. Fix '1' at its position and do not move it anymore.

  2. Now move the second smallest number '2' to its correct position, just as what we did in step 1.

Therefore the corresponding ghost leg graph should be:

Similarly, for our array [7, 4, 3, 9, 2, 8, 1, 6, 10, 5], of course you can sort it by hand and count the number of inversions, but the best is to make use a bubble sort program:


var a = [7, 4, 3, 9, 2, 8, 1, 6, 10, 5];
var count = 0;
for (var i=a.length-1; i>=0; i--){
    for (var j=a.length-i; j>0; j--){
        if (a[j] < a[j - 1]) {
            //Swap the numbers
            var temp = a[j];
            a[j] = a[j - 1];
            a[j - 1] = temp;
            // count number of inversions

Output: 22

Here is the simplest ghost leg graph of our question: (hopefully I didn't make it wrong)

If you want to learn JavaScript, visit @adnanrahic 's blog to learn JavaScript!

The JavaScript Journey 1 - Values
The JavaScript Journey 2 - Arithmetic and Operators
The JavaScript Journey #3 - Logical Operators
The JavaScript Journey #4 - Special Values & Precise Comparisons

Mathematical proof

(You may skip this part if you are already confused ;) )

Formally speaking, the minimum number of horizontal lines required is the number of inversions in the array, which has the definition of:

two elements ai and aj form an inversion if ai > aj and i < j

To prove the statement above, we need to make use of two lemmas:

  1. In an array, if every pair of adjacent numbers does not contain inversions, that array has been sorted.

  2. Swapping any two adjacent numbers will reduce the number of inversions by at most 1.

The proof of the above lemmas is obvious and will not be stated here. From Lemma 1, we can see that if an array is not yet sorted, there must be 1 or more inversions for adjacent numbers. We can thus swap that pair of adjacent numbers so as to make the number of inversions in the array reduce by 1. This process can be repeated until all inversions for adjacent numbers are eliminated, which means the array has been sorted. Therefore we can conclude at least x adjacent swappings are required to make an array completely swapped, where x is the number of inversions in the array.

Now consider the algorithm of bubble sort again. Actually this algorithm is simply trying to reducing the number of inversions by 1 in each step, thus giving the simplest ghost leg graph.


Among 13 participants, there are 2 people who got the correct answers, thus getting the first and second prize accordingly. Thank you for all your participation and congratulations to the winners!

@carobetc @guyverckw @guyverckw @pizzachain @jbp @linuslee0216 @chl @jeffreytong @nanosesame @pakyeechan @wilkinshui @binbin88 @kitcat @thomaskikansha

Prize pool = Remaining prize from previous competition (1 SBD) + SBD payout of the announcement post (9.817 SBD) = 10.817 SBD

The winners and prizes have been tabulated below:

@guyverckwFirst prize10.817 * 30% = 3.245
@wilkinshuiSecond prize10.817 * 20% = 2.163

Prize carried forward = 5.409 SBD

Special announcements

The steemSTEM project (@steemstem) is a community-supported project aiming to increase the quality and the visibility of STEM (STEM is the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) articles on Steemit. Since one of the major aim of my competitions is to promote STEM which matches so well with this community, thanks to the steemSTEM team, starting from the next competition my posts will be curated by @steemstem so as to increase the prize pool.

Please support steemSTEM by following @steemstem, joining the chat channel and following the curation trail on Streemian! In order to further promote the use of the chat channel, I will stop announcing the time of next competition via a post. Instead I will announce the time in advance in the chat channel!

數學 × 程式編寫比賽 (第三回)


畫鬼腳 是一個用以將兩個序列配對的小遊戲。畫鬼腳被經常應用在抽獎之中。



當圖中完全沒有橫線,明顯地配對結果為 {A,1}、{B,2}及{C,3}。

加上橫線後,配對結果便變成 {A,3}、{B,2}及{C,1}。

繼續閱讀問題前請確保你已完全明白這個例子 :)

現在終於來到問題部分了。考慮N = 10。已知當鬼腳圖中完全沒有橫線,配對結果為 {A,1}, {B,2}, {C,3}, {D,4}, {E,5}, {F,6}, {G,7}, {H,8}, {I,9}, {J,10}。求最少需要加上的橫線數目使得配對結果為 {A,7}, {B,4}, {C,3}, {D,9}, {E,2}, {F,8}, {G,1}, {H,6}, {I,10}, {J,5}。

答案: 22


因此問題可被簡化為:如要將序列[7, 4, 3, 9, 2, 8, 1, 6, 10, 5]由小至大排序,最少需要多少次相鄰數字的對調?






var a = [7, 4, 3, 9, 2, 8, 1, 6, 10, 5];
var count = 0;
for (var i=a.length-1; i>=0; i--){
    for (var j=a.length-i; j>0; j--){
        if (a[j] < a[j - 1]) {
            //Swap the numbers
            var temp = a[j];
            a[j] = a[j - 1];
            a[j - 1] = temp;
            // count number of inversions

輸出: 22

因此相應的最簡鬼腳圖如下: (希望我沒有畫錯吧)


The JavaScript Journey 1 - Values
The JavaScript Journey 2 - Arithmetic and Operators
The JavaScript Journey #3 - Logical Operators
The JavaScript Journey #4 - Special Values & Precise Comparisons











@carobetc @guyverckw @guyverckw @pizzachain @jbp @linuslee0216 @chl @jeffreytong @nanosesame @pakyeechan @wilkinshui @binbin88 @kitcat @thomaskikansha

是次獎池 = 上回比賽剩餘獎金 (1 SBD) + 公佈比賽的帖文的SBD收入 (9.817 SBD) = 10.817 SBD


@guyverckw第一名10.817 * 30% = 3.245
@wilkinshui第二名10.817 * 20% = 2.163

下回比賽獎池現有 = 5.409 SBD


steemSTEM項目(@steemstem)是一個由steemit社群支持的項目,旨在宣傳STEM(STEM是科學,技術,工程和數學的首字母縮略詞)。 由於我的比賽的主要目的之一是促進STEM,從下一場比賽開始,我的帖子將由@steemstem提供upvote以增加獎池,在此特別感謝steemSTEM團隊。


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