History Of Mathematics - The Great Greeks "Hippocrates of Chios"

History of Mathematics - The Great Greeks

After Pythagoras there are many other names in the list of ancient Greeks who kept doing work in the field of mathematics. Anaxagoras of Clazomenae and Oenopides of Chios. Both scholars didn’t discover anything new in the field of mathematics rather dealt with many questions related to the geometry. 

Anaxagoras is credited as the first one to found out that Moon didn’t had its own light but shined with Sun light. So he could predict the eclipses (he did make some wrong assumptions in his work of cosmology though). 

Hippocrates of Chios came after Anaxagoras and Oenopides. Hippocrates discovered the quadrature of the lune. He was the first one to compile Elements. In other names Theodorus of Cyrene is famous for his theorem named Spiral of Theodorus, Leodams of Thasos, Archytas of Taras is famous for Archytas Curve and Theaetetus of Athens are very famous Greek mathematicians and philosophers who did their part towards mathematical advancements. 

Hippias of Elis discovered the curve known as quadratrix. Democritus of Abdera is another name of a Greek physicist who also contributed to mathematics. According to Archimedes Democritus discovered that the volume of a cone is one-third that of a cylinder with the same base and height. Democritus wrote about 70 books.   

Hippocrates comes first in the above list not only because of his work on lunes but his contribution towards compiling The Elemets and he was very distinguished geometer. He was the first one to compile the Elements, though his work was eclipsed by the work done by his predecessor Euclid a century later. Still Euclid built over what Hippocrates developed in the original Elements. 

Other than the compilation of Elements he was the first one credited for squaring the curvilinear figures. His work on lunes (a lune is a plane figure bounded by two circular arcs) was historic. 

Following is the link to a pdf file which explains all the Hippocrates achievements in detail;

PDF Link to Hippocrates's Work

A lot more to come in the History of Mathematics.............

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