Math in nature - The Fibonacci Sequence - my flower collection

The Fibonacci Sequence is everywhere in nature. When I learned about the sequence appearing in nature I looked for it everywhere, and it is everywhere! What is the Fibonacci sequence? To me it seems like a computer code to make all living things take their shape. It is a perfect sequence of numbers that grows exponentially. It goes like this: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 …the next number is found by adding up the two numbers before it. You can find it in many parts of a plant - the arrangement of the petals, the pistil, and the leaves. I am focused on flowers in this post and these are my pics from my Android LG.

The Fibonacci sequence is named after Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa and was introduced to European mathematics in 1202 in the book Liber Abaci. The sequence unexpectedly turned up in so many places that many mathematicians have dedicated their entire lives to the sequence. It is truly fascinating and amazing! The ratio of two successive numbers in the series, decided by each number before it turns in to the golden ratio. Example: 1/1 = 1, 2/1 = 2, 3/2 = 1·5, 5/3 = 1·666..., 8/5 = 1·6, 13/8 = 1·625, 21/13 = 1·61538. This appears in many things around us: animals, vegetables, computer algorithms, and more!

Next time you are out and about on a walk through nature, take a look around and find the sequence.

#mathinnature #fibonacci #fibonaccisequence #flowers #nature #goldenratio

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