Where Women Rule

The Masuo People - The Last Matriarchy in China, on the border of Burma. These people live in the Himalayas and practice Tibetan Buddhism. They do not have traditional marriages but what they call "walking marriages" where women can have as many boyfriends as they want. This is the last matriarchy on the earth.

Unfortunately with hotels and corporate types invading this area, things are slowly changing. So far women are still in charge and men never leave their family home. Women work very hard. Women often live with their mothers and sisters and children. The families are totally self-sufficient and grow their own organic food, and make their own products.

Some women have many children with many men, some are monogamous. Men live with their sisters and only visit their partners after dark.

Because women work really hard they are rewarded in later life by being a wise grandma, surrounded by their families, an important figure in society.

Women however do not do any killing or warring, the belief is that those roles belong to men. Women inherit properties. There are no women in the street with children.

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