How much $$ is your doctor getting from the drug & device companies?

The drug companies are required to disclose who is getting their promotional dollars. Same goes for the medical device manufacturers.

But how much is your doctor getting?


You can search for a specific doctor or hospital to see how much money they’re getting from these companies. The search site is called Dollars for Docs.

Learn more about the paid relationships between doctors and pharmaceutical companies.

Canada has something similar but it’s voluntary.

Scientific American asks How Much Are Drug Companies Paying Your Doctor?

Drug cartel?

New York University Bioethics Head Arthur Caplan said, “There’s enough money going around that if you saw this in the abstract, you’d think there was a drug cartel happening.”

But wait, there's more

The Outrageous Ways Big Pharma Has Bribed Doctors to Shill Drugs
Proof Surfaces Insurance Co Pays Massive Bonuses to Doctors for Vaccinating Babies
Doctors raked in cash to push fentanyl as N.J. death rate exploded

Hmmm, I wonder how much those payments
sway what your doctor recommends?
Dont you?

Written by Gary Harvey and first published here
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