The Fried Rice : Medicinal Cooking Collective Week 4

Today's week theme in The medicinal Gourmet cooking is Metal element, which is associated in large intestine, lungs, respiratory system, and skin. I wouldn't slip this week without participating to this wonderful and inspirational cooking competition.

I checked my fridge and look what's available ingredients i have. well, I have mushroom, carrots, green onion, and cabbage, a left over rice, So i thought that would make a nice Fried rice meal.

So without much further ado, I would love to share my recipe just for you : )



  • white rice (left over)
  • garlic
  • onion
  • cooked peas and corn kernels
  • carrot (julienne or diced)
  • mushrooms
  • cabbage
  • green onion and coriander leaves



  1. Sautee garlic and onion, until garlic is slightly brown and onion is soft.
  2. Add in the carrot, and cover with lid.
  3. Add in the cabbage and mushrooms, and stir to combine all flavours.
  4. Add in the left over rice. continue stirring for few minutes.
  5. Add in the shelled peas and corn kernels.
  6. Add the green onion and coriander leaves.
  7. Lastly, season with salt and pepper to taste.
  8. Serve warm and Enjoy.




white elements in this recipe is nutritious, like mushrooms, cabbage,garlic, and white rice. Of course other vegetable that included here is nutritious too, but let's focus on the metal element which is white color.
it has full of minerals and high in nutrition that helps our cells,helps to protect our lungs, and rejuvenates our skin.

White rice is full of vitamins despite of controversial in eating this type of rice. Moderation is the key to optimum health.

This is my contribution for #medicinal-cooking by @eco-alex. If you wish to participate in this inspirational cooking challenge you can check his post here

Thank you so much.

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