The Medicinal Gourmet Cooking Collective: Liver & Gallbladder Health with Raw Rhubarb Compote & Buckwheat Pancakes


Using food to support health and vitality is at the heart of our life on this homestead. We enjoy taking control of our health and wellness through the plants we grow and forage.

Over the summer we have been doing our utmost to live on the food we grow paired with dried goods in the pantry. Not being able to shop for ingredients specific for this challenge forced me to get creative.

This week the Medicinal Gourmet Cooking Collective is asking us to provide recipes for a meal/drink/dessert (or all of these things) that focus on an a specific element and the organ that it support. This week we will be focusing on:
Wood & Gallbladder/Liver.

The Gall Bladder is the Yang organ paired with the Yin Liver in the Wood element. The Gallbladder’s job is to absorb any excesses from the Liver. Since the Liver’s job is to create smooth flow of Qi, together these organs help regulate Blood, Digestion, and Emotion. source

To learn more about this wonderful challenge read this post from @eco-alex
The Medicinal Cooking Collective Week 2 Guidelines: Cooking For The Liver & Gallbladder / Wood Element

I searched around the homestead today looking for sour green foods to support the liver and gallbladder. I found this a bit challenging and almost gave up until I noticed some rhubarb peeking out of the weeds. Rhubarb is a perfect sour ingredient for liver and gallbladder health.

About Rhubarb


A lot of the people who use Rhubarb considered it a fruit but really it is a vegetable. Rhubarb has very sour,tart flavour. It has long green & pink edible stalks. The root can also be used in medicine but the leaves are toxic. Rhubarb is packed with vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. It is very low in calories.

Rhubarb For Liver & Gallbladder support

Rhubarb root is sour and bitter in taste, and cooling in action. It is a stimulant laxative that drains inflammation from the liver, large intestine and kidney.S

I needed something to go with the rhubarb and decided to use buckwheat. Someone had just given me a small sack of fresh stone ground buckwheat flour and I was eager to try it. Imagine my surprise when researching the nutritional benefits I discovered that buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) is not related to wheat at all. It is related to sorrel, knotweed and rhubarb!

About Buckwheat


Buckwheat is rich in complex carbohydrates, high in fiber, protein, iron and magnesium & contains eight essential amino acids. It is an excellent gluten free wheat substitute. Best of all. studies show that buckwheat can suppress gallstone formation & cleanse the liver. S

I just love serendipitous discoveries don't you? Buckwheat and rhubarb are a perfect way to support liver and gallbladder health.

Raw Rhubarb Compote & Buckwheat Pancakes

I decided to make a raw rhubarb compote, buckwheat pancakes & a rhubarb/raspberry juice for my lunch today. The compote was sensational. Its a perfect combination of sour, tart, nutty, and sweet. I can't believe how great it tastes. This compote is extremely versatile and we have some left over so I can eat it again this evening.

Here's how I made it!


Raw Rhubarb Compote


  • 2 stalks of thinly sliced raw rhubarb
  • 1 cup dried fruit (apricots, raisins & figs)
  • 10 almonds chopped
  • 1 handful fresh chopped herbs (basil, thyme, oregano)
  • 3 tbsp maple syrup
  • Pinch of sea salt & pepper


Chop up all of your ingredients and toss into a bowl. Stir in the maple syrup, salt and pepper until combined. Cover and refrigerate for several hours to allow flavours to develop.

wood gallbladder.jpg

Buckwheat Pancakes

I followed the recipe that was included with the buckwheat flour. It is not a complete gluten free recipe but there are many 100% buckwheat recipes on-line if you prefer that!

  • 1 cup buckwheat
  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1 cup milk
  • melted butter the sizes of an egg
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 eggs


Mix all Ingredients together and cook on a medium hot griddle.

Rhubarb Juice

This recipe is nothing fancy. I juiced some rhubarb using my juicer added filtered water, a cup of raspberries and honey to a jar and shook well. I served the juice with the raspberry chunks floating in it.


I am so pleased with how this recipe came together! This challenge is a wonderful way to inspire us to look more deeply into the food we eat and how it can support our health and well-being. I strongly recommend that you give it a try! I would love to see what recipes you come up with!

[@walkerland ]
Building a greener, more beautiful world one seed at a time.
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Photo copyright: @walkerland


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