My Solfeggio Frequency Meditation Songs [Free download only available on Steemit]

Here are 3 songs I produced to help folks meditate and heal using solfeggio frequencies and harmonic song. I made these in 2012. I hope you like and find them useful.

With this release we explore alchemical sound therapy based off the theories of how sound frequencies effect the mind, body, and soul for healing purposes. These three songs each take us on a journey with meditation with the hopes of undoing situations and breaking up old emotional blockage using the 417HZ signal then going into liberating ourselves from fear using the 396HZ signal and finally bringing in pure love using the 852HZ signal. All three combined will bring in balance into our lives so we can deal with the energies that come our way on a daily basis.

I myself have used these three songs of meditational intention in the attempts to restore balance within my own life and as a gift to the world want these helpful healing songs of sound for the world to have as well in the hopes that it may help you too.

The best way to use these songs is to listen to them using headphones and to choose your favorite style of meditation. Each song is around 10 minutes long giving you about a 30 minute session that you can play around with. You can go through each song in order, OR mix them up as you wish.

Here are the mp3's:

This is a free download, but I would appreciate upvotes if you like the music. Comments are great too. I hope you enjoy.

Be sure to look at my other posts as I have a ton of music I've produced that I'm offering here free for you.

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