Sacred Geometry Mandala 9.19.2016 [ original artwork ]

I've started a new daily ritual/meditation - I plan to one day have them as a series all together in a future blog on my website (version 3.0 is planned to launch this week).

I shall be creating one a day, and I will post them here as I go through this process.

I'm working on methods of healing and I remembered long ago I would make these. After doing this one this morning I've realized how beneficial it is to make them. I get a great sense of peace, balance, and reaching a state of lowering my vibrations down to the point of stillness.

How I make them

I used to work in Architect and a program we would use is CorelDraw. It's a very precise program that I'm very fluent in. I basically like to go into the software and with not any mind/plans just go in and begin creating. It starts with one shape then I keep adding and adding until I get to the point I feel it's time to stop.

I like to do all kinds of things with these, and this particular one I did not add any color because I felt it might take away from the intricacy and fine detail it really took to make. There are so many great geometric shapes in it...

I'm trying to get into meditation techniques again in my life - and this one reminded me of the first times I tried to meditate. I felt at times I kept falling into imperfection while trying to create something perfect. Then I would remember there's no rules to this - to simply try and enjoy my felt presence of direct experience - then the stillness and peace would come back.

What the viewer can get out of these

Just take a moment and look at what really is there. There's a lot of connected shapes in one. As you look just enjoy the wonder of finding the many possible shapes. It can bring some of the same things that I personally get out of making them. This is why people love mandala's.

I really enjoyed this one - I hope you like it.

  • J.Kale
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