Importance of Meditation.. Contd.

Good Day to all my steemit friends.
I love steemit

So in one of my previous blogs I mentioned about the importance of Meditation. Here in I will like to share with you all some techniques of effective meditation.

Well for someone who has been into the practice for them just sitting with eyes close, in Padmasana (lotus) position and focusing on breadth is good. Keep a focus on the breadth completely as to how is the length and breadth of your breathing.
For an ideal meditator there should be a maximum of 5 to 6 breadths per minute.

For the starters:
Sit with eyes closed. Take a few deep breadths in and out. On breathing out feel all the worry, stress, tension leaving out with the breadth. Once you are settled in the breadth and you feel the nerves have calmed down shift your focus slowly to the top of your head and imaging a beam of bright white light from above touching the top of your head. Let the white light slowly penetrate into your body and feel it spreading all over your body. Feel yourself completely bathed in white light.
Bring your awareness to the centre of your heart space, in the midst of that space think that a flame is burning. think of the flame as your own soul and inside the flame is another effulgent light, and that is the soul of your soul. Meditate upon that in your heart.
Its ok if the visualization doesn't happen in the first go, with practice you will see the flame getting brighter and brighter.
When you feel you want to come out of it, bring the awareness to the white light in your body. Let the white light now slowly start ,moving out of your body and out of your head. Slowly bring your awareness back to the physical body and as you feel comfortable open your eyes.

The best position to be in meditation is with your spine, neck and face erect and a desirable time is minimum 20 minutes.

There are lot of other techniques also which can be used for specific work upon areas in life, which we will see in my following blogs.

Love and Light

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