My “Titanic” Moment at the Team Malaysia Babes FIRST Meet Up & Gathering!

“Draw me like one of your French girls Jack”, this make-believe Titanic live drawing session by the none other talented @sireh have got us all burst to laughter. Sitting on the sofa (coincidentally!) putting my legs up like Rose with a medallion scalar pendant necklace around my neck is just hilarious!


Check out that luscious lips! The purposely blurred "Rose" drawing photo of mine, scroll to bottom for the surprise!

I have never laughed so hard like today – it is truly a memorable get together.

Yes, I was the ”Rose” and @sireh was ”Jack” at that moment, and we were surrounded by kepoh ”Paparazzi” Steemians busy taking videos and photos of our memorable moments! Lols.


JACK aka @sireh working hard to produce his masterpiece!

Today for the FIRST time in my life, I have a photo of me drawn LIVE! And I wasn’t ready too lols! No makeup or proper hairdo! But @sireh being a talented artist, he whipped up the drawing in minutes amidst the papparazi’s pressure that I swear I saw him sweat a little!

Birthday cake for February babies! @orangila busy taking perfect photo angles, lols!

And then came a surprise, a birthday cake from @lianmok for all of us February babies, myself, @perennial and @coloringiship! So gratefully touched!

We had great food spread too! Thank you ladies! We've decided to go on a potluck theme as its easier to plan and manage. Plus, some of our ladies have yet to accumulate that much of SBD to be able to afford a proper meet up at cafes or catering.

@jassicania hummus is awesome. Simple and healthy. And @patlu fried beehoon is delicious that I packed back some too, @francesaw pizza is snapped up fast (we suspect the kiddies must be behind it!), the lovely @noriaakip brought cold drinks and salted egg yolk chips and fish skin all the way from Singapore (I love you babe!) and then there were satays (from @orangila?), roasted chicken from @coloringiship, fried chickens (from one of the guys?), fruits from @ranjitavelan, wines from @tinizainudin and what would our gathering be without the disposables from @kaeperdiem! Thank you.

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Finally we meet @francesaw!


Hungry Steemians digging in! Check out @orangila in his professional technique.


Serenaded by @perennial after our meals.


The lovely @jassicania and @noriaakip.


The happy host @patlu showing her highly priced salted egg yolk fish skin snacks! Thank you @noriaakip for these gems!


Happy faces!


The mandatory "Family" photo!

Thank you @patlu for opening your door and allowing us to host this at your humble abode. It is as homely as possible for most of us.

Special thanks to @orangila for his professional photo takes! That guy, I tell you, he is at every corner! From climbing chairs to lying down near sofa to get the best photo angles (amazing!), can’t wait to see his good work!

And @perennial for serenading us with his rendition of Flamenco and Spanish Romance songs, I never thought a lawyer can play musical instrument like a pro too! We look forward for the Steem Music folks to join us the next round and entertain us with their awesome skills. @patlu, you will need to clear the living room to make way for this then!

Although some of the ladies that RSVP-ed were unable to make it, there were also that took the effort to drive all the way from Melaka so she won’t miss the event, thank you @lianmok! And thank you @natalielo for dropping by to hang out before leaving for Team Malaysia event. Wish we could chat longer about your soaping venture. I can’t imagine if there rest of the ladies are there – sure havoc!

Nevertheless, we all simultaneously agree that this will not be the last of our meet up & gathering, we had so much fun! Stay tuned for our upcoming activities soon!

We certainly look forward to invite more sistahs to join our fellowship. Look out for more activities coming up soon! Being able to let our hair down and do our girl chats are refreshing indeed, when women meet the chats never really ends – there will be part 1, 2 , 3 and so on!

IMG_20180225_232946.jpg "Rose" drawing from @sireh on the left (I think I look like Datuk Rafidah Aziz here, lols!) and on the right is my "Amoi" face drawing by @coloringiship!

Since my birthday is just around the corner, I am grateful to receive these two special gifts from @sireh and @coloringiship! Both are hand drawn portraits of me.


JACK and ROSE, fast forward 2018 version.

When you receive such gifts from friends that care, you can’t help but thinking how much you are loved.

Thank you both for the beautiful artwork!

There were many photos taken at the event. Including with those that came later, can't wait to see @orangila post! Stay tuned on this.

We believe those who were celebrating their CNY with Team Malaysia on the other side is having a good time too! Some of the ladies went over after coming to ours.

I color edited this beautiful drawing from my good friend @coloringiship, nice right?




Something About Angiechin28

Angie Chin is a Mom with a mission and founder of WonderWomen.Asia (coming soon), the first online portal in Malaysia that connects Women to affordable online learning, community activities, shareable contents, events, jobs and go-to market opportunities. At home, she’s a mommy to a 10 year old daughter, 6 furbabies + a grown babe. She loves travelling, cooking, exploring new food, reading and watching re-runs on Youtube.

Regularly posting up her ramblings and sharing contents (current favorites are Facebook & Instagram), she fell head over heels with Steemit after realising it’s the only platform that allows ANYONE to earn cryptocurrency by creating and posting up contents, even by liking, voting or commenting other people’s contents!

Whatever you do on the platform, you will earn. Isn’t that awesome?

To start earning, sign up for Steemit already! Post up your original contents and you can almost start seeing the ka-ching in your account before you know it. Best of all, it is FREE (Love the word FREE).

Life tagline (for now): Never be afraid to try anything once!

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