Last night we hosted the first NYC gathering for those part of Steemit or interested in joining the platform! We had a whopping 62 people sign up to attend and probably 40-50 there in total, most of whom had only heard of Steemit through the grapevine. Long story short, the group of buzzing and everyone seemed to have a great time at Spitzer's Corner!


The group was very eclectic, including of course programmers and crypto financiers but also a number of lawyers, real estate developers, marketing agents, designers, and all-around awesome curious people. Most of them had only seen or heard about STEEM in passing or even tried to be involved but were discouraged by all the nuances so it was great to explain and pump them up in person.


@Andrarchy and I were there repp'n the Steemit community, spending a good 3 hours over beers explaining the ins and outs of the platform. With the “creative” part of the group, we had a blast talking about all the potential and possibilities of using STEEM to power innovative work. We had some other great new members of Steemit there as well like @nickytothenines! It was awesome to meet you guys in real life... =)

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  • The last few stragglers who stayed til 9!

Anyway, be sure to stay tuned more updates and events we aim for in the Big Apple! If you haven't already, do sign up for The Creative NYC Meetup group where we've almost hit 200 members!! We'll be hosting our next event very soon to coincide with the opening of STEEM Park.

STEEM ON fellow Steemians!

design collective @hitheryon

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