A Food-Tasting Party 🍔🍟🍝试吃会

I attended the food-tasting party by Big Hug yesterday and boy, it felt like a huge Chinese New Year reunion/visiting, though I didn't take too many photos myself. It was also my first meet-up with some of the bloggers from #teammalaysia, so it was great to meet with all these great people from behind-the-screens. 😁

昨天晚上,我与大伙们参与了Big Hug Burger的一个试吃会。那个感觉比较像是提早来临的年夜饭和拜年,共聚一堂,真的很热闹。我没拍得上很多照,但很开心第一次见到了许多屏幕后的斯定密博客。

Group photo by @aaronleang and photo credit to him. 来自@aaronleang自拍的团体照。

What an honour and privilege to have them come all the way to a different branch of Big Hug Burgers. It's my first time meeting @elizacheng and her three friendly girls, @littlenewthings, @joannewong, @zord189, @howtostartablog (who came all the way from Malacca), @aaronmcheong and girlfriend! I actually saw @karinzdailygrind earlier but didn't manage to take a photo with her before she left. Met @aaronleang when he became first to support Big Hug Initiative to pay in steem. Also in this photo are @hooiyewlim, @iamjadeline and @denion whom I know. I missed the earlier #teammalaysia meetup because my son and I weren't feeling well and this time they came all the way here, to a branch nearer to us.

非常荣幸这班远道而来的朋友们,莅临Big Hug文良港分店,其实他们都是特地安排时间过来支持。这是我第一次见@elizacheng和她的三个友善的女儿,@littlenewthings@joannewong@zord189@howtostartablog(来自马六甲),@aaronmcheong和女朋友!我其实也见到@karinzdailygrind,但在她离开之前没来得及与她合影。之前就见过了@aaronleang,因为他是第一个支持用Steem到Big Hug Burger付钱的顾客。在这张照片中还有我认识的@hooiyewlim@iamjadeline@denion。由于我和我的儿子之前不舒服,我错过了上个月的#teammalaysia聚会,而这次他们一路来到这里,让我十分感动。我老公也说,有谁想过网上交的朋友会那么给与支持呢?

The children having their own drawing and colouring time, which my 2-year-old boy joined in with another family friend. 小朋友们也在高兴得涂鸦,玩得不亦乐乎。我两岁的儿子和一个朋友的女儿也参与其中。

@elizacheng's eldest daughter, @halleyleow has inherited her skills of making lantern, so she was teaching and making them round 2 at Big Hug. The lanterns were very lovely made from the red packets. @elizacheng的大女儿学成了她妈咪的功夫,在Big Hug“开班”,开启了第二轮的教学。她所做的红包灯笼真的很好看!

Tasting a blue-cheese burger! Blue-cheese is my favorite cheese of all though it is an acquired taste. I fell in love with it after having it with buffalo wings the first time some years back. Since then, it has been hard to resist blue cheese whenever I see it on the menu anywhere. 我是蓝乳酪的铁粉,去到哪,只要见得菜单上有蓝乳酪,都经常会情不自禁。那是因为多年前,我第一次尝到配点鸡翅的蓝乳酪,便爱上了它。这是有蓝乳酪酱料的炸鸡汉堡,我当然点了它!

My present from @vinnieleow, the youngest daughter of @elizacheng :) @elizacheng的小女儿@vinnieleow 很可爱,送了我一个见面礼。

Met @howtostartablog who purposely came for this event and @zord189 who was probably exhausted but still so chirpy!!第一次遇见了专程远道而来的@howtostartablog 和精疲力尽但不失幽默的@zord189

This is @zord189 with my boy and I. I sort of knew @zord189's family back in my hometown in Kuching, many years ago. Finally we got to meet again, he is a great guy, the same behind the screen and in front of it!与@zord189的合照。其实我以前在家乡古晋可算认识了他的家人,不过还真是多年不见,终于见到了!

A photo of @iamjadeline, @howtostartablog and me! I guess it is not all the time we get to see him, a steemian who is generous in building this platform, also a great guy behind the #dailyfoodphotography contest and a curator for @ocd. 这是我、@iamjadeline@howtostartablog 的合影。他是个十分大方的斯定密博客,乐于助人,也是#dailyfoodphotography 的幕后策划人和ocd精彩内容发掘人之一。*

My apologies for the bad lighting of the photos. Nevertheless, it was a great night meeting all of these legends behind #teammalaysia! Thank you, really for coming all the way to support Big Hug Burgers! Hope the food suit your palette and delight you as well! Till we meet again!

灯光的不完美,让我深感抱歉。然而,还是很开心能有机会见到#马来队 背后的各位大将!由衷感谢各位特地到来捧场,希望食物也适合大家的口味!我们再见!


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