38: My Experience @ The First Ever Steemit Boiler Room

Hi peeps...

Yes, I know I know.....

It's been ages since I last updated my blog post here on Steemit.

I have mainly been caught up with life outside of Steemit and Discord. Building a business and trying to juggle it with various activities that demands my time and attention is no mean feat. So, sadly Steemit has to take a backseat while I put the pieces of the puzzle together.

Although I had been missing in action in terms of writing, it didn't feel like I have left Steemit much as I have been in touch with other regular Steemians.

All thanks to the endless meetups, gatherings and coffee sessions that was organised on an almost weekly basis.

So, today was a perfect excuse for me to get back into the groove of things. I have a serious backlog of Steemit posts which I have yet to write and I shall start by blogging about the first ever Steemit Boiler Room which was organised by @maverickfoo today.


As usual, a Steemit meetup is not complete without the usual group shot or wefie

Steemit Boiler Room,a brainchild of @maverickfoo is a three hour bootcamp structured around his signature 25-25-25 method to Research, Write and Edit a blog post in 1 hour and 15 mins.

Why is it called a Steemit Boiler Room?

Well, imagine you are a chicken being placed right into a huge pot of boiling water. You are trying hard to fight for survival, yet the boiling water and the heat is making it hard for you to breathe, let alone survive. You have no choice but to claw your way out of the pot.

Feeling the heat now?

Just kidding

Boiler Room simply means putting yourself in a position or state of mind to create content within a specified timeframe with a peer group or fellow Steemians.

So I decided to quash all my excuses and make my way to Common Man Coffee Roasters where the Steemit Boiler Room is held. Upon arrival, I found the place packed with customers. The table which @joannewong and @aaronleang had booked earlier was not ready, so I had to sit at the bar counter to get some work done. As I was sandwiched between two Indian blokes, I had a quick chat with one of them before settling down with my cup of long black.


Nice, aromatic long black coffee to power me up while I waited for the rest of the Steemians to arrive

Shortly after, @maverickfoo arrived with his son, William followed by @joannewong and her cousin, Bryan Yong from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah who was in town for a visit.

As the place was a bit crowded and noisy, we decided to move over to Made Cafe, which was located right across the road. Coincidentally, the cafe was kind of empty on a Sunday afternoon. So it was a perfect setting for us!
We descended upon the cafe like honey to bees and literally turned the cafe upside down!

Soon, one by one of the Steemians started walking in including @fararizky who flew in from Brunei. Originally from Aceh, Indonesia she found out about the event from @macchiata who visited #teammalaysia about a month ago. @aaronleang who picked her up from the TTDI MRT station came in shortly after followed by @buzz.lightyear, @tifaong, @williamsyee, @srinivaskm, @manish86jha, @zord189 and @kchitrah. We had a total of 12 Steemians who came and we were pleasantly surprised by the good turnout.

Kudos to everyone who came!


Front row from L-R @tifaong and @fararizky. Back row from L-R Bryan, @karinzdailygrind and @joannewong


@zord189, strolling into the Boiler Room in his Sunday best


@buzz.lightyear, happily slurping on his bowl of noodles right before the Boiler Room kicked off

@maverickfoo started the session by whipping us all into action with his 25 minutes of research drill. As most of us, hadn't completed our research yet, we dive straight to research on the topic of our choice. Next, he got all of us to turn on the Most Dangerous Writing app and set it to 5 minutes to write away. I..ummm..cheated my way as I knew no way I could bang away at my Mac keyboard in 5 minutes flat. So I opted for the humble Microsoft Word instead

By the time the 5 minutes was up, I was already in a state of flow and I continued to write for another 25 minutes before @maverickfoo announced time's up. He then let us off for a quick pee break before announcing the next segment which was Editing. He did a quick check and we were surprised that most of us managed to churn out at least 500 words and above each, while some even hit 1800 words!

Awesome wonder indeed!

Throughout the entire Steemit Boiler Room, most of the Steemians particularly the seniors, were spotted deep in focus, typing away on their keyboard. It was a refreshing change from our usual Steemit meetup. Instead of chatting or discussing on Steemit, cryptocurrency or blockchain, we were all dead serious to produce our blog post which was great!


@joannewong, happily rewarding herself with chocolate chip cookies after typing non stop

Overall, I would say the Steemit Boiler Room was a success. Not only did we attracted a larger than expected turnout, we also achieved our objective of suffocating ALL our excuses and get straight down to action to just write.

So, if you are suffering from the lack of time or busy syndrome, maybe joining the Steemit Boiler Room could be the answer.

See you at the next one!

KarinzDailyGrind is really pumped up and excited on the prospects ahead. Despite hitting many road bumps and challenges on her entrepreneurship journey, she remains eternally gratefully to the Almighty One for revealing her blind spots and guiding her along the way.

If you happen to visit Malaysia, you are welcome to join the coffee meetups, food gatherings and get-togethers held all over Klang Valley. Upvote | Follow | Comment | Resteem if you resonate with her post. Or DM her on Discord for a chat

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Banner design courtesy of @zord189

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