Announcing the First Minneapolis Steemit Meetup

Steemit already has a strong presence in the Twin Cities and surrounding area. And since winter is coming, there will soon be a ton of people here looking for new and exciting ways to avoid going outside. So the time is right for the first local meetup.

It is scheduled for the evening of Monday, Sept. 26 at my place. We've held various arts/music/community events at this location - @greatdabu has been doing this since the '80's - and can easily accommodate a couple dozen people. If you are in the area and would like to attend, please send me a private rocketchat message with your email or phone and I will get directions to you.

Here is a link to the meetup group page. ( appended the url with "/Minneapolis-Innovation-Meetup" instead of "/Minneapolis-Steemit-Meetup" for reasons I don't understand. If you know how to fix this, please let me know in a comment: )

The Plan:

This is a meetup for steemit users or those interested in joining our social media revolution. It is a chance to learn more about how steemit and the steem cryptocurrency token functions, share information on how to produce great content on steemit, speculate on the future of this amazing technology, and explore opportunities for steemit collaborations in Minneapolis and the surrounding area.

What to Expect:

Coffee, snacks, and good conversations with a diverse group of creative people.

Skill sharing - from basic html for post formatting to securely integrating cryptocurrency into everyday life here in Minnesota.

Brainstorming on how best to do larger steemit events/marketing in the Twin Cities over the next few months.

What to Bring:

Yourself, your friends, any food/beverages you would like to share, and anything else you would like to contribute. (Please note that this is a drug and alcohol free event.)

Given the short notice, I anticipate fewer than twenty people will show up. In the unlikely event that more than 35 people want to attend, this meetup will be moved to a larger nearby location.

See you soon!!!

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