Live-Blogging Steemit Workshop in NYC [Say Hello!]


Live-Blogging in NYC!

Today we're saying hello from our first STEEM workshop in New York City. As we speak, @sndbox is giving a live-blogging tutorial to about a dozen creative professionals out of the co-working space 100 Bogart in Brooklyn.

Say hello in the comments below! Let's give these crypto-newcomers a warm Steemit welcome!



About "The Creative Blockchain" Meetup Group

We started The Creative Blockchain NYC Meetup group in early July as we were preparing for our STEEM Park project. Our goal was to create a more social environment where newcomers could not only learn about Steemit and the technicalities of joining, but also have an outlet to specifically interact with other creative professionals and organizations.

With @sndbox, we intend for on-and-offline Meetups to be the social foundation for our incubator. Our main mission is to integrate Steemit productively into existing and emerging professional practices. Meetups and in-person events helps us build trust with those who are new to and still new to cryptocurrency and the power of blockchain technology.

We Want Your Ideas

There will be many more productive and social events to come and we want to open it up to the Steemit community to both attend and offer ideas of bases to cover. What do you think will be most helpful for new users? How should creative and entrepreneurial professionals approach the platform? What do you think of this form of event?


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