Steemit Meetup In The Desert - That's How We Love To Vegas! 📷

"If you can connect people, you can create the future." - Scott Heiferman

Thank you, Scott! You've probably just defined the essence of

Yes, this network connects people, surpassing any limits, melting virtual and true reality, bundling common interests, pooling creativity, knowledge and so much fun.

You need evidence? I've got them.

That's How We Like To Vegas

I'm probably on the vacational trip of my life these days.

Last week I had the pleasure to visit New York for the first time ever, now I am in Las Vegas.

For a little surfer girl that is used to live on a small island where not even a highway exists, these places are overwhelming.

I currently feel like a little kid that has been placed on an adventure playground far far away from home.

The best thing about adventures is to share them with others.

Lucky me my very best friend and buddy from college is with me: @knircky. If you're still not following him, you've missed one of the kindest and smartest people on the platform :-)

One of our favorite hobbies is to get in touch with people. We both find a lot of pleasure in meeting new interesting minds.

So we did.

A couple of days ago @shenanigator - who I knew from a recent steemit marketing project - contacted me after getting informed about my plans to visit Las Vegas.

Since he and his girlfriend @sharingeverybite decided to be there, too, at the same time, he proposed to organize a get together.


Could there be anything better than sharing time with likeminded people in a city like Vegas?

What we still didn't know at that point of time was that we were supposed to live one of the greatest evenings ever.

We decided to meet at the Bellagio and have some drinks in their "Harvest Bar".

What a beautiful place!

I only knew it from the movies so far. After having a couple of cocktails, finger food and the first nice chats, we decided on exploring the area and taking some pictures in the middle of this impressive setting.

The evening started to evolve into an absolute fun time.

What a lovely couple! If you're still now following these two wonderful souls - @sharingeverybite and @shenanigator -, now is your chance to fix that :-)

@surfermarly with rabbit ears (thank you @knircky, haha!)

After walking around the beautiful Conservatory & Botanical Garden of the Bellagio we decided to watch the famous fountain in front of the casino.

While watching the amazing spectacle and listening to the accompanying orchestral music, we kept talking, talking pictures, joking around and simply having a great time.

To me the Bellagio is kind of THE emblem of Vegas. Since at least the movie "Ocean's Eleven" I always wanted to stand in front of these unreal fountains. Yes, one half of my surfer soul is absolutely romantic :-)

Sharing 100% Vegas with the cutest couple in town.

Looking at the pictures @knircky and I still can't believe how lucky we were to run into the cutest couple in town.

How often does is actually happen that you connect with people right away and start talking, joking and having fun as if you knew each other since a long time?

That was the rather silent part of the night.

Being in Vegas it was almost self-evident that the meeting would gain momentum.

No sooner said than done.

Beer Pong is a popular game amoung the surfers on my island, so the second part of the night was totally my scene :-)

If you wanna know how this great night in the desert ended up, you need to read the second part of the story which has been published by @knircky:

Playing Beer Pong with the cutest Steemian couple on the Vegas Strip

This night was definitely one of my highlights in Vegas so far.

Again, thank you infinitely for such a great time @shenanigator and @sharingeverybite! It has been a HUGE pleasure meeting you and I'm looking forward to seeing you again at Steemfest!

Now that's to all of you out there: if you have the chance to organize meetups with steemians at your place: do it!

It's the second time in two weeks that I met some users in "real life", and even though we hadn't seen each other ever prior to this we immediately felt that we had much in common and connected right away.

Let's spread the steemy spirit all over the planet and create a network of creative, like and open minded people that are able to make this world an even better place.

Marly -

PS: Once I'll be back home from the trip of my life, I'll set up a travel series and share all the details of this amazing adventure with you guys. Well wait.... before blogging again I will need to sleep a couple of days, haha! :-P

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