MegaCon 2018 Cosplay in Pairs and Packs

While going through the rest of the cosplay photos from the show floor of last week's MegaCon, I found I really like when people go out with their friends or family the best.  Here is some examples of some great nerds that cosplay in pairs or packs:

The above cosplayer actually was in the "Master of Cosplay" competition. The shot I got from that show did not turn out so I'm glad I got the above shot saved.

The above photo got voted up to the front page of /r/JurassicPark/ but of course Reddit still doesn't run on Steem Power yet.

Marvel and DC Cosplay at MegaCon 2018 - Part 2

Video Gamers Cosplay at MegaCon 2018

Cartoon Cosplay from MegaCon 2018

Does Megacon 2018 Have Awesome Retro Cosplay?

Crypto Collectibles presents Megacon 2018 Day 1 Cosplay Winner...

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