The Old Dog: The Selfish Meme, Let's Get a Slice of The Pie! Meme Challenge 2 Entry 3

Facebook and Instagram. Two giants that have evolved into colossal information harvesters that use our data to make unbelievable profits!

Top Valued Social Media Sites!

  • Facebook 200 billion. The 15th most valuable company in the world!
  • Instagram 35 billion which was purchased by Facebook in 2012. Can you say monopoly?

The Value And Popularity of Memes

The top meme sites can be worth several million dollars, are wildly popular and can receive over a million hits a day! How much do memes add to the value of Facebook and Instagram? Probably plenty! 

  • I see a lot of memes in Steemit's future

No I didn't really write a book but one Steemer suggested that I just might in the future! 

Let's Get A Slice of The Meme Pie

Is it really Selfish to want the profits for our own creativity that are now going to the social media giants? I think not? That's the thinking behind my latest meme. 

When You Look at My Latest Entry Do You Know What I Meme?

I hope that you like my latest meme and remember, if you don't you can tell me but don't be meme about it!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     

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