The Old Dog Says: Be Like Shakespeare And Have Pun! Meme Challenge 4 Entry 3

My Final Entry in The Meme Challenge Focuses on Puns!

What is a Pun?

A pun is a joke that plays with words. Puns are also called paronomasia and they use words that have several meanings or words that sound the same but have different meanings.

Paronamasia defined:

noun, Rhetoric.

the use of a word in different senses or the use of words similar in sound to achieve a specific effect, as humor or a dual meaning; punning.

William Shakespeare And Puns

Shakespeare's plays are full of puns. Many of them are difficult to "get" these days because the language has changed so much. Did you study Shakespeare at High School? I did and we needed a special dictionary to understand the old english.

What Are Some Examples of Puns?

  • She had a photographic memory but never developed it.
  • I was struggling to figure out how lightning works then it struck me.
  • I've been to the dentist many times so I know the drill. 
  • The other day I held the door open for a clown. I thought it was a nice jester.
  • With her marriage, she got a new name and a dress
  • A bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two-tired.
  • I went to a seafood disco last week... and pulled a mussel.
  • Two peanuts walk into a bar, and one was a-salted.
  • Did you hear about the guy who got his left side cut off? He is alright now.
  • When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds

With Those Examples in Mind Here is My Last Challenge 4 Meme Entry!

I hope that you enjoyed these puns and my last entry in the contest!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     

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