Memechallenge #21: Entry 2 - Don't @all in Steemit Chat!

Sooo..this weeks picture is just too good to pass up on!

Just a little backstory on this one...

Loong Loong ago in a time known as August...there was a podcast...

A Steemit talk podcast...with a host who shall NOT BE NAMED!!!

Ok, enough of that, lol. So Long story short...while doing our live recording of the show, somebody accidentally entered an @all into Steemit Chat's general channel, which was/is a BIG NO-NO!

It was an accident of course, but traumatizing none the less, especially being something you can hear on the recording itself. If you're curious what it sounded like, here is the episode:

If you enjoy these challenges, please upvote @fibra59's announcement post for this week here:


You can also get the download link for this week's image in there along with all the rules as well!

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