The formula of water

How much water is on the Earth? Why is this substance considered alive? And can I pour a glass with a slide?


Every year, World Water Day is celebrated. And here are a few facts about her. So, 70% of the Earth's surface is covered with water, but for the most part it is salty. Total on our planet is 35 million square kilometers of fresh water. Almost ⅔ this volume is locked in glaciers, ice and permafrost, and only 1% of water resources are available to humans. Sparse, right?


In 2018, the holiday of this element is held under the slogan: "Why waste water?" The main theme is the reduction of volumes and the reuse of wastewater. It turns out that more than 80% of the water we use every day drains back into the ecosystem without cleaning and re-use. World reserves of fresh water do not increase, and its consumption, on the contrary, is constantly growing. According to the UN, to date, the water shortage affects about 40% of the world's population. Almost 800 million people are deprived of access to it. And in about 50 years from the lack of H2O will suffer billions.

In fairy tales, water was "alive" and "dead", killed, transformed, and even healed. Many people now use water for health purposes: they put silver in the decanter, buy all kinds of ionizers, filters and the like. And what does science say about this?


Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto claimed that water is something alive. It is capable of storing information at the expense of clusters - peculiar memory cells. The scientist froze the water and claimed that the shape of the ice crystals changes: from the words they say in their address, the crystals grow beautiful, from the evil they become ugly. In fact, there is no exact proof of this. Scientists explain it this way: water molecules really combine into clusters, but their structure changes all the time, so that the memory of water is measured in fractions of a second. In nature there are more than 1000 kinds of water. There are liquids by origin: soil, rain and so on - by the nature of the substances dissolved in them and their quantity. Everyone knows that water freezes at 0 degrees, and boils at 100. But there is also super cooling. This property is very pure water without any impurities. Even at a temperature below the freezing point, it remains in the liquid state.

And at last we will conduct an experiment. There is such an expression "put with a slide", that is a little more than usual. I wonder if it is possible to pour water with a slide? First, we pour liquid into the glass - there is no roller coaster. To get it, we need ordinary coins.


We begin to carefully lower the coins one by one into the center of the filled vessel. Water begins to be squeezed out, but still remains in the glass, above the surface of which a small, but still quite visible slide is formed! The liquid is not spilled due to the surface tension force. This will continue until the last abandoned coin adds enough volume to allow the water to overflow under the weight of its own weight.

Water is the most common and at the same time the most unique chemical compound on Earth. In nature, it is formed only in a natural way, and there is no way to create it artificially. At least for this reason water deserves its own day in the calendar.

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