🧜Mermaids🧜Part One: The REAL. A History of Eye Witnesses (VIDEO)

Are mermaids real?

Or are they simply figments of our overactive (and sometimes lonely) imaginations?

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In the first part of this two-part series, we’ll explore stories and eyewitness accounts throughout the ages.

TL; DW (Too Long; Didn't Watch)

  • 7-8 thousand BC: ATARGATIS is a Goddess of Syrian origin often described as the mermaid-goddess, and is pictured as a such. Though she was also pictured with legs on many occasions.
  • 5th Century AD: Physiologus, written/compiled in Greek by an unknown author, has a portion called, "The Nature of the Mermaid", in which it describes the appearance, voice, and danger of mermaids.
  • 1493: Chris Columbus records a second-hand event from one of his Admirals, "... but they were not as pretty as they were depicted...".
  • 1608: Henry Hudson, during an expedition near Norway, recalls an account of his company interacting with a mermaid. Their description is very detailed, "From the navel upward, her back and breasts were like a woman's, her body as big as one of us; her skin very white, with long black hair hanging down her back."
  • 1830s Scotland: A newspaper article from the early 1900s retells the story of a small village who witnessed, murdered (accidentally), and then buried a small, beautiful mermaid.
  • 1846 : The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Anderson makes its debut, adding fable to the long-standing belief in mermaids.
  • 2012: Kiryat Yam, Isreal. This is (so far) the only video I was able to find that was NOT yet debunked. It's crazy. It looks real. I wanna believe!


Stay tuned for the second part of the series:


Where I show you some of the most convincing, but sadly fictitious images of mermaids in our current age of technology.

Note: I really love doing these videos, but they are rather time-consuming. I'm going to try to make a goal to do ONE per week (and still post other things). This one took two days of researching (there are a LOT of fakes!), then a few hours to write the script, then record it, then compile images and finally, SEVERAL hours editing it all into the masterpiece you've witnessed above. Oh! Then after that, while it's uploading I write up a post, for all those that may not have time to watch the video. It's a LOT of work. But, I like it. If YOU like it, let me know! Oh... and giving me all your monies wouldn't hurt either. 😎

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