1st Month Metrics + Projections for Sndbox Members

Guild Metrics + Moving Forward

This past Tuesday, we announced that we’ve transitioned out of our beta stage, opening up Sndbox memberships to prospective, new, and experienced users on Steemit who are looking to integrate Steemit into their creative and organizational practices. If you’re interested in learning more and have ambitions to harness the impact of blockchain on the real world, read more here.

Today, we’ll publish a concise review on how our Sndbox program and community performed - what we learned, what we changed and what we plan to do next. We aim to consistently evaluate our performance (transparently) and to improve the experience of each Sndbox member.

The Numbers

Since Sndbox is a membership-based incubator program, our top goal is to ensure that Sndbox members capture the full value of their efforts by using our system and resources. This means we strive to have our members…

  • Familiarize themselves with Steemit and blockchain technology
  • Integrate content production into their daily/weekly practice
  • Rewarded for their content and work
  • Informed of all Steemit/Sndbox updates
  • Cultivate high engagement with the diverse Steemit community

On our @sndbox account, we achieved the following…

  • Number of followers: 851 (~213 new followers per week)
  • Views: Avg. 281 views per post (over 26 posts)
  • Curation Trail: 27 Trailers
  • Delegation Update: @voronoi 47.596MV

For our members (between August 1 - September 1)...

  • Number of Beta Bloggers beginning August 1st: 8
  • Number of Posts Total: 31
  • Average Member Post Payout: $31.17
  • Average # of posts per week per member: 0.969

One striking number is the <1 vote per week per member statistic. As we’ve been onboarding strong creative professionals into the Sndbox incubator, one big hurdle is to integrate Steemit into their busy schedules. Some of our members posted a few times a week while others only did 1 or 2 in the last month. We’re still cultivating strategies to achieve active new members and this will be one of the key numbers we’ll keep an eye on in the coming months.

September Projections

In order to keep growing in the right direction, we want to establish short-term projections and keep developing in both size and depth of usage. For the month of September, we’re striving to hit the following averages -

  • Number of Sndbox members: 30+
  • Average # of posts a week per member: 1.3 (5-6 posts per month)

Let us know your thoughts on our progress thus far in the comments below!


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