200 Followers and a 10 SBD Contest!

200 followers in less than two months. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself. A good start. Thanks to every single one of you who have chosen to read my words on here.


Now, to celebrate, I want to run my first ever contest: A book review contest.

Here are the rules:

  1. The review must be in a post, and must include a link to the book. Goodreads or any online store.
  2. The book must no older than 2010.
  3. The book must be science fiction or fantasy, though I support a broad definition of those.
  4. It must be a book you liked or loved. Not here for book hate.
  5. Can be either YA or for adults.
  6. You have one week to post the review.
  7. You gotta tag me in it.
    Image credit: Dieterich01 on Pixabay

    My favorite review will win 10 SBD. Other quality reviews may get 1 SBD or more, depending on how well this post does and how much interest there is in the contest.
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