Post 2000 Milestone reached

Well its not every day that you reach an important milestone like making your post number 2000!

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Im happy to make this self congratulatory post with the hopes to inspire other new users to keep posting and not be frustrated when your quality content does not get the upvotes you feel it deserves. 

Engage other posts with comments that relate to the topic and encourage others to stay active when you see they are down and unmotivated.

Im not stopping here its been 6 months since I joined Steemit and much has happened since then and I feel fortunate to be a part of this community, helping to make it grow and telling others about Steemit is one of the things that keeps me going. Currently Im spending quite a bit more time on Steemit as I am unemployed and trying to find answers in my life. Some might find it hard to believe but the support I get here from this community is a great therapy in hard times!

Have a great Day

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