150 followers? How the heck did THAT happen?

150 followers, and so many questions! I could almost understand if a half dozen people had stumbled onto my posts and accidentally clicked the Follow link, but 150 of you having done so suggests that some form of mass delusion has occurred due to food poisoning, wardrobe malfunctions, or buggy software. A hundred and fifty people have looked past the fact that I've posted all over the map with a scattershot randomness? Is Follow the spelling of a word in some non-English language that would loosely translate as “Click here to make this person go far, far away”?

How is it that when you go to Pixabay and run a search for “150” expecting to find a picture of a cake with 150 candles on it or maybe a dejected pro bowler who's just bowled the worst score he's had since he'd made the mistake of trying to show off to a first date after seven Harvey Wallbangers do you instead end up with the idyllic scene from New Zealand shown above?

I am having a blast here and am happily amazed that 150 of you might want to know what people will be saying about STEEM 23 years from now.

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