Have we Humans lost personal touch and sensitivity?

Morning we open the News Paper and read on the first page headlines, so many people died of so and so, our reaction is; Ohh so sorry to hear that, and move on. Or we are watching the news on TV and something horrible comes up and we say enough of it, I do not want to see this anymore. Every time it is the same thing. These are our reactions to what keeps happening around us. We barely have time to react and feel for anything that is happening around us. Everything is just a part of the game and it keeps happening. Does this mean that we have lost sensitivity towards each other, towards the situations around us, towards the incidents happening around us. Because so much is happening and it is all becoming so common that our minds are now getting used to it and it just seems to be like a daily affair just as much as eating and sleeping happens.

There are times when so much of good is also happening around us but we barely pause and appreciate. Just for e.g. even on Steemit so much of good content is being published on daily basis but how much of it gets read. Very few who are in limelight their content gets read and appreciated or even otherwise a smaller other section, but to be very real a lot of content goes unnoticed.

It just comes down to Excess of anything we either do not want or we have lost appreciation for it. Moving in the fast paced life, we have back to back something or the other happening. We have forgotten the importance of slowing down, reflecting on things happening around us, be it good or bad. Or it also happens like, It is not my business. Till the time something does not impact us personally our involvement is either zero or minimal. Or we just feel sorry and move ahead but not more then that. When we read about calamities around the world, how much deep does it go down within us and hurt us, shake us up. Very little right? and that too for a limited time, but we do not go beyond feeling sorry. When I say this I am talking about the majority of the people and not for those very few who really get shaken up and try to do something. That will be may be 1% to 2% of us, but the remaining of us more or less behave like a cattle.


In a day I have 20 task to do and I am only focused on that, so where is the time to think of anything beyond that. Mind is occupied so much in and around that it has no space left for something which is not it's priority. It is sad but this is how most of us operate in our day to day lives.

What can we do to change this attitude and raise our Sensitivity towards other people, not only raise sensitivity but also take some action. But first and foremost is to get that personal touch for people around us.

Can a daily Meditation Practice help?
Yes it can to a great extent. A regular meditation practice brings one in a state of mindfulness and when one becomes mindful, one becomes sensitive about their surroundings. Being sensitive does not mean getting carried away in other people's problems. It is more about empathizing and giving a helping hand wherever we can.

We are living in a world of Artificial Intelligence and rapidly progressing towards it. Restaurants are becoming Robotic, in all around us we are losing that personal touch with people. Few years down the line, we never know if we would have anything called as Guest Relations desk at a hotel, or people serving in hospitality industry. Where would the personal touch come from? We will be more and more detached and ourselves become like Robots.

The fast developing technology is very good in a way but at the same time we are also paying a very heavy price in the bargain. I hope we can all do our small bit to maintain the human relations and keep that personal touch going on, being mindful and take actions for the greater good of everyone.

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