How to Stop Caring what Others Think of YOU - 5 Practical Tips

Oh no, not again...yep, here we go! Meditation!
I have tried a lot of things in the past years, but nothing has helped me more than meditation and becoming aware of myself plus adapting the new perception of the world, IMPERMANENCE.

This is exactly why I created a playlist all about Vipassana Meditation from how to do it, when to do it, how long to do it, why to do it, etc.

"ya...are you caring too much what others think of you? Well, in this video, I will be sharing with you 5 practical tips that you can implement right away! Let's mynd now..."

How to stop caring what others think of you:

  1. Haters are everywhere! (00:19)
  2. YOU are important (00:35)
  3. Don't rely on it (00:56)
  4. Who are you? (01:14)
  5. Live up to your values (01:35)

Love yourself more and everything is going to be alright. Easier said than done isn't it? :D Then scroll up and check out how to meditate because trust me that it WILL help you!

How about YOU? What have you already tried out? Are you still caring what others think after having watched this video?

Don't mynd subscribing to my channel to see more of my content on how we can improve ourselves to lead a peaceful and a happy life and what I PERSONALLY did to overcome my struggles such as overthinking and gaining self-confidence.

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Remember to Mynd Now :)

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