The Life of a Minnow



Just keep posting swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming.

The Life of a Minnow

As the newly born minnow learns to move it's fins, they secrete information from their bodies, which we have come to call, "posts".

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It has been noted that most of the first "posts" secreted by minnows have had a bad taste and smell to them that drives large whales to swim far far away.

As the minnow gets older the posts take longer to develop, as more time and energy are put forth to create them.

It's theorized that the minnows are hardwired to create original, quality "posts" that attract whales, so they can create symbiotic relationships with them to survive.



Many minnows out there haven't the ability to secrete original "posts" which leads them to ingest others' "posts" and regurgitate them. Some smaller whales and large fish have fallen for this age old trick.

However there are many minnows out there producing quality "posts" that never get picked up by whales, or large fish for that matter.

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Some quit swimming all together and secreting "posts", while others keep swimming through the depths of the ocean in hopes of one day being found by a whale.



It has been reported that some minnows save up the little scraps of food they've earned from their "posts" just to give it to a soulless whale in hopes of receiving more scraps back.
Most of the time these "soulless whales" are not able to give back all of the scraps given to them, leaving the minnow with buyers regret and a hard learned lesson.



There are groups of whales that have banded together in order to find minnows lost in the depths, secreting their flavorful "posts" only to have them fall to the ocean floor to never be found. Still there are many minnows out there trying to survive alone in the cold dark depths.

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The half frozen minnow will usually find others like itself to create a school for a higher rate of survival. Some of these schools have been found to get so large that they've cut off the food source for whales, thus causing the larger whales to take notice of the massive school of minnows.

The whales will usually have to diversify their food sources in order to survive, consequently bringing balance back to the ecosystem.

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