My two favorite articles of new Steemians

I don't feel like going through the introduction posts today, so instead, I'm sharing two posts of two new Steemians I found!

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The first post is Comet: Tom's Tail
This post was written by @novaatebatman and not only the post itself, but also the comment that followed showed me what an interesting guy this is. He takes the time to have an actual conversation with his fellow Steemians, which makes him a great addition to our community. His dream of one day having a cats and dogs rescue and sanctuary touched me. His plan to then train these rescues as therapy and service animals and give them to veterans, and anyone that needs them free of charge, showed me his selflessness. I hope he'll do well here on Steemit!

The second post is: Journey to Chicago
@pauljosepharcher's second post led me to check out his profile and find this first post he shared. He talks about moving to a new place, further than he's ever been. He actually talks about the trip there. You would think reading about the drive up there wouldn't be too interesting and how much can be said about one man driving in a car? But the way he writes this story makes you keep on reading. I'm glad to be his first follower and I hope many more will follow!

Please give our new members a warm welcome!

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