What exactly defines......"STHITAPRAJNA"

Analysis by : STHITAPRAJNA ( Dt- 29/07/2017 )


To start with this post, let me tell you all that a thought just popped up in my mind yesterday night...that is...what exactly defines..."STHITAPRAJNA"...so i am putting some effort to analyze it here to the best of my understanding.

The person whose mind is not troubled by sorrows, who does not go after pleasures, who is free from attachment, fear and hatred is called STHITAPRAJNA (a person of steady wisdom).


To analyze it further, let me clarify that the " i am defining the word STHITAPRAJNA here" not trying to glorify my personality of that sense, in fact i am a minnow and i would like to be a minnow for ever so that there would be scope for me to have learning.

The qualities of STHITAPRAJNA are that of a perfect master of wisdom and such knowledge does not come overnight. Being an ordinary mortal, cant avoid but go after pleasures and cant escape sorrows in life due to the attachment we develop to our own physical body and the object and the worldly pleasures around us.


My own sense of understanding about my life is that :"at some point of time we all will experience sorrow, the intensity of which may be different for different persons and the period grief also varies from individual to individual depending upon their past karmas. If everyone would be in grief indefinitely, then the world cant progress. The sorrow has a beginning and an end as well with a peak in somewhere along the curve. We all have to put out input in moving the wheel of life that makes the society move forward."

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