Borneo Adventure Series: How Siniawan Bazaar Reinvented Itself


First of all, a bit of Geography. Siniawan Bazaar is located in the Bau District about half an hour drive from Kuching. Kuching is the capital of Sarawak, in the Island of Borneo. With just two rows of wooden shop houses flanking a one-way main street, Siniawan Bazaar used to be a sleepy town akin to a cowboy town in the Wild Wild West. The Siniawan Heritage Conservation Committee saw great potential in the historical heritage of the Bazaar and the architecture of the shop houses built during the colonial era. From a ghost town with hardly any activities, Siniawan Bazaar was rejuvenated into a bustling hawker food street during the weekend.


Ayam Pansuh (Bamboo Chicken) is a dish of the Ibans (an ethnic group in Sarawak) where chicken stuffed in a bamboo with tapioca leaves is cooked.


A friendly hawker selling barbecued 3-layer pork, a favorite of the Hakkas


Hawker food, Siniawan Bazaar

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Glutinous rice wrapped in leaves


Tian Xia, a lovely homestay has rooms for visitors


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