Steemit Minnow Support: Do I need to Design Every Blog Post?

Steemit Minnow Support: Should I design every blog post?

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Being new to a platform can feel overwhelming and scary especially when you feel lost. You are probably asking yourself, exactly what should I do with this new platform? How often should I post on here? Is it even necessary to design every post before I publish them?

Questions are great to ask yourself but, what if the questions are making you more confused than necessary, then what should you do? Turn to your steemit community for help because we have all been there at one time or another. We have been lost, confused, overwhelmed with the platform and bogged down with what should happen next. I am certain that if you asked even a whale that has been on this platform since the beginning of time they will say the same thing, everyone starts at the same place, the bottom.

It is great to have other steemian who do post helpful blog posts for new minnows especially when we are growing at such a substantial rate. The platform has taken off like a wildfire now it is time to contain the fire and help new minnows succeed. That is why today I will answer the most searched question.... Do I really need to design every blog post before I hit publish? If you do not know how to design a blog post check out my post: Steemit: Design Your Blog Post Using Basic HTML Coding for Beginners.

Now that you know how to design a blog post let me answer the question at hand.

Do I Need to Design Every Blog Post Before I Hit Publish?

The answer is, YES! You should be designing every blog post. I know it takes time to learn code and it can seem time consuming but, your readers will thank you for it later. Every time you write a blog post, no matter the topic, there are parts you want to highlight for example, the more important phrases or words, detailed explanations, and what you want your readers to walk away from.

Styling Blog Posts Helps Your Readers

Taking the time to style a blog post helps your readers not only follow your story but, understand what you are saying. Think of when you write a letter or email to someone, you begin with a greetings, followed by your introduction paragraph, the body, conclusion, and closing. Styling the blog post is no different. Write down what is most important for your readers to know and make sure you bold, italic, or use a header font to emphasis that specific section of your post.

Breaking Down the Post into Shorter Paragraphs

It has been known that readers will lose interest if your blog is all jumbled up into one long paragraph. This is because you put no emphasis or time into preparing your blog post. Readers can tell you are less interested in how your blog reads and more interested in the number of upvotes and resteems. That can hurt your following significantly! Break down your post into shorter paragraphs making it easier for your reader to keep up with what you are telling them. It also, makes for a cleaner more thought out blog post. When in doubt, keep it simple!

Highlight Important Statements

Always highlight, underline, bold, or italic important statements you want your readers to walk away with. By doing this you are screaming to your readers, this is important and you want to remember important aspects of a blog post right? I do too! That is why, even with my blog posts I highlight the most important parts for YOU not for me. I know what I am saying and why but, you don't unless I point it out to you.

Posting Pictures You Have Taken

I am like the next person, I love looking at pictures. Your readers love seeing pictures you have taken but, do not just post the pictures post an explanation with the pictures. Your readers cannot read your mind, I know weird right? But, the readers cannot understand why you took the picture, what you were thinking or feeling in that moment as the camera lens snaps away. They only know whether or not the picture looks good. Tell your readers something important about the moment you took that photo. Help your readers understand that moment in time and to understand you. Never just post a picture without any explanation no one wants to just see pictures we want to connect with you!!!!


Yes, it is important you take the time to style your blog posts. Styling your blog posts will help your readers understand what you are trying to say and what is most important for them to walk away with. Highlight the most important parts of your posts. Keep the paragraphs shorter to help your readers from getting distracted or bored. If you are posting pictures always post an explanation with the picture to help your readers connect with you!

It may seem like a job when it comes to blogging but, ask any blogger who makes money you take the time to design every post even if it takes forever. Well thought out and designed posts will gain more interaction and upvotes than a post you slap together in less than five minutes. Designed posts also lets your readers know you are serious about what you are doing. That you take blogging seriously and not just as a side line hobby. Take what you do seriously! Every person has a reason for blogging but, only those who take the time to blog will succeed.

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