It's Alive! - @benjojo breathes life into the #minnowsupportproject

It was definitely a dark and stormy night. The sky was dazzled with lightning, silhouetting the castle against the angry sky. A fork of electricity erupted from the clouds above and made contact with the lightning rod in a shower of sparks - powering the dastardly experiment below.

At the top of the tower Dr Aggoedstein laughed maniacally, his life's work had led him to this point. His creation was so near to completion, it just needed that elusive spark of life.

On one slab lay The Project. Made up of many parts it could not be considered perfect, but within lay a dormant might that would be a match for any of The Monsters. On the other lay a powerful Donor, ready and willing to give up some of his life force. Thick cables ran between the slabs.

Ausgor busied himself at the control panel, flipping switches, turning dials, preparing for the inevitable bark from the doctor. At the storm's crescendo it came.

"Now Ausgor!"

Like a coiled spring the assistant leapt at a big lever just in time for the most powerful bolt to shoot from the rooftops. The room lit up, sparks flew, noises were made. Then, as quick as it started it was over. The only evidence was a strong whiff of ozone and thin smoke rising from The Project.

Dr Aggroedstein held his breath for what felt like hours. Had he failed? Was this all for naught? He gazed intently at the slabs, from one to the other for any sign. The donor coughed, blinked and sat up, apparently unscathed. That was a relief, meddling with such forces could have been a disaster.

"Master!" shouted Ausgor, pointing excitedly at the first slab. The Dr rushed over and saw fingers twitch. Then the hands. Arms. As The Project sat bolt upright Aggroedstein breathed a huge sigh of relief. It had worked! He was triumphant! How they'd mocked and jeered at his audacity! He'd show them.

"IT'S ALIVE!" he screamed, tears of joy rolling down his cheeks.

This is a dramatization of recent events in which the truly awesome @benjojo made an incredible contribution towards the #minnowsupportproject - by temporarily delegating his own super mega whale power to the cause. From the community of the minnow support project I wish to extend my thanks and enormous gratitude towards your generous act @benjojo.

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Proud member and supporter of the #minnowsupportproject - brought to you by @aggroed, @ausbitbank, @teamsteem, and @canadian-coconut
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