Minnow Support Project INFO & GRE3N'S Initiative to help out!

Hello Steemonsters!!

Few weeks back on my travels through the Steemit universe I stumbled apron the Minnow Support group @aggroed has started. A bit overwhelmed with Steemit in general at the time now came a wealth of information and people willing to help me.

@aggroed wrote up everything you need to know about the project here:


Bookmark this: http://minnowsupportproject.org
It will soon to be the offical website.

The MSP, where to begin? It's a large lively bunch of fellow Steemians. Tons of people always in discord chat talking about all sorts of things. These people are very friendly and with a little patience very helpfull.

When you first join the discord chat for MSP, register. Once registered introduce yourself and get talking. You never know who your going to run into in there.

Dischord chat link for MSP:

Besides all the different rooms in the MSP discord chat, there are bots you can play around with. Fellow MSP homie @gmuxx wrote a great post all about that here:


Remember when your in the discord chat be curtious, kind and willing to help out. Things don't happen over night. Building friendships and networking is key to your success.
*Also one tip, Never use the @ everyone in chat, unless you want a few hundred people calling you out. You have been warned. Lol

Are you an Artist and have interest in the MSP? The next link is an initiative (msp creative bot) team effort by @sammosk, @creativesoul & @isaria.
It's a must read if your a creator.


The next two links are great write ups about the Minnow Support Project and helpful links, from @sammosk and @Shane



Wanted to add in one more link from @gmuxx, he is showcasing an Artist's hard work and talent every so often, that can be found here:


Peace, Abundance, and Liberty for all! (PALnet)
Minnow Support Project (MSP)


Now for my initiative, it's a small gesture but I'm trying to do my part. I believe in good karma, you do good for others and the good will also come to you. With that said let me explain.

Every single week from now on I will be going into discord chat on any random day. I will request in general chat that a few people dm me there most recent post. I will review anywhere from 3 to the most 6. I will comment and vote on all of them but only resteem one person's post I find the most interesting / well written post.

I am in no way a monster on this site, but I am slowly building a following and trying my hardest to bring quality artwork to everyone to enjoy. By doing this every week for someone and it exposes them to someone else browsing my page then my job is successful. I'm always willing to help out.

This week I picked @doggedfi50


The reason I resteemed and picked his post is because this hit home with me. You should always think about the future when it comes to money, saving and preparing for everything from a bad day to retirement. Even if your young and never thought of this! We don't know what the future holds, but you can deffinitly build your future every penny at a time. Always have that fall back plan and ultimately your retirement. Go check out his post, makes some good points!

Ok I rambled enough, but for a great cause!

In discord chat I am GRE3N, feel free to talk to me when im there for any help or questions!!

To everyone else in MSP I have met so far, keep up the great work and support!! Here is some of those people, shout out to:

@aggroed @gmuxx @Shane @Dayleeo @KubbyElizabeth @soundwavesphoton @venuspcs @OverkillCoin @r0nd0n @SinneD @Artsygoddess @ResistanceMedic @iddm1dm @followbtcnews @scaredycatguide @gamesjoyce @doggedfi @morodiene @sammosk @apsu @isaria @creativesoul @cryplectibles and many others!

If I forgot some people I have spoken to my bad, comment below I'll add you. Browse there pages they all do some great work!

Remember one thing, anything is possible, it happens at different paces for everyone. Some quick others gradually. I always believed for long term success grow gradually. One thing at a time and before you know it all your passions and dreams come true, because you made them a reality. No one is stopping you, but you. Don't stop, don't give up and never take no for an answer when occomplishing a goal!

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