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I Abused Minnow Support Out of Desperation, I Regret It (cont'd)

I am making this post to give more details about my previous post. After @fraenk's post here, some of you may still believe me, some of you may not. I'm not blaming you for that. It's entirely my fault. So let me tell you the whole story.

Before Steemit

I met @renepaolo / @aut0matic in a local forum. When he found out about my condition and me being a Filipino too, he introduced me to Steemit. He even told me that since he doesn't need the money from his small earnings on Steemit, he promised to give it all to me as a friendly help/gift to aid in my grandfather's hospital bills. This is in exchange to some of the articles I made for him. All his earnings went to my Bittrex account. He got none of it.

I registered to Steemit, however, it took 1-2 days before I got my account approved. Since I was in a hurry and needed some really quick cash, he let me use his @aut0matic account so I can earn while waiting for my account to be approved. He also said that he will be focusing on his main account @renepaolo. This is the same time when I discovered about @minnowsupport's upvotes which still gives around $1.40 at that time.

During Steemit

I wanted to make a really heart-touching introductory post. I was thinking of telling the story about my grandfather's hospital bills, however, I thought that inventing a more serious condition will help me get the money I need. So I lied. I was desperate. When I figured that my introductory post did not earn the money I needed, I resorted to abusing @minnowsupport.

At first, my plan is to create a lot of Steemit and Discord accounts. My planned ratio for that is 1:1. However, when I forgot that I already registered the same Steemit account to a Discord account, I was amazed when I found out that I can register one Steemit account to multiple Discord accounts. And that's what I did.

For people asking how I registered my accounts, I simply went incognito, registered the accounts, asked my friends to receive text message confirmations, and that' it. To be honest, I lost count of how many Steemit accounts I have today.

I used my friend's @aut0matic account to send my meme accounts the Steem needed to register in the PALNet.

My work schedule became like this:

  1. Post 6 memes per account in the morning
  2. Upvote as many as I can using @minnowsupport
  3. Go to my day job
  4. Go to my part-time job
  5. Post another 6 memes per account in the evening
  6. Upvote as many as I can
  7. Repeat the next day

It was a few days ago, when my friend told me that @fraenk sent him a message about one of my accounts. My friend knew I have some accounts but I told him that I will be using it for different niches. He replied once to fraenk but when fraenk got a little aggressive, he decided not to reply anymore. He then confronted me and told me to stop running the meme accounts as it was not healthy for the community.

I then contacted @aggroed when I saw his comments on my posts and confessed what I did.

With all honesty, if @fraenk did not send my friend a message, if @renepaolo did not confront me, if @aggroed did not comment on my posts, I will still be running my scheme until I get enough money to pay for my grandfather's hospital bills. That's how desperate I am. I really need it.

Yesterday, I received several messages from my friend telling me that he was being accused of something he didn't do. My heart was broken into pieces.

I messed up big time.

I ruined the reputation and credibility of my friend who has done nothing but good to me. He gave his support but I ruined it all for my selfish reasons. I never realized the true value of friendship until yesterday. He confronted me again and told me to fix it.

So here I am, telling the whole story.

I'm writing this to set things straight. I'm writing this to make it right. I knew that there is a possibility that no one will believe in me after lying in my introductory post. I completely understand. It's my fault. But I can still do something.

To @fraenk, I am not, in any way, mad at you. I know that you are just doing your share in this community. When you sent my friend a message, I knew that it was the end of my scheme but it was the beginning of my repentance. With all my heart, I am sorry and I would like to thank you for helping me realize my mistakes.

To @renepaolo, you are a true friend. You're the greatest friend anyone can have. I'm sorry for messing your life. I'll understand if, at one point, you won't consider me as a friend anymore. You're mad at me and I don't blame you for that. Despite your anger, you still assured me that you will still help me with my grandfather's hospital bills. With that, I am sorry and I would like to thank you for still being there.

To @aggroed, you are just and fair when deciding. Honestly, when my friend sent me messages yesterday, I was expecting to be nuked already. I was expecting you to be very mad at me. But I was wrong, you didn't. Instead, you still told me to make things right. I am sorry for the abuses I did to the Peace, Abundance, Liberty Network. I would also like to thank you for still listening to both sides of the story, even when the odds are not in my favor. With that, I am sorry and thank you.

To the Peace, Abundance, Liberty Network, I am sorry for what I did. I will make it up to you. As of now, I cannot return the SBD I got from the community. I need all the money I have left. But what I can do now at least is to help how we can avoid future abuses in the system. I'll also keep an eye on possible abuses and do my investigations, like what @fraenk did.

To the whole Steemit community, I may have disappointed a lot of you. I told you lies. I am sorry. After this experience, I have learned and became a better person. Soon, I will be starting my new journey here on Steemit. Rest assured, that there will be no spamming of memes, or any abuses this time. I am making things right. I'll be creating a new account, and will let all of you know when I do. I will also be using the earnings from my new account to give it back to the PALNetwork as a payment for what I took.

After Steemit

The end of the month is getting near. I have some hospital bills to pay, and several other bills to settle. I might give up my internet connection and use it to pay for the other bills. I just sold my smartphone yesterday for $50 and bought a $15 basic phone with a keypad. I'm also planning to sell this computer, and other furniture we don't usually use.

As of the moment, I have a full-time job, a part-time job, and a home-made perfume business. I have my grandfather who is still here at my side. And I also have my friends who are still helping me no matter what.

With that, I can say that I am still blessed.

There are times in my life when I just wanna give up. This is one of those times. But I'm choosing not to, for the sake of my grandfather. I will do what is right this time.

If there is a need for me to hustle on my offline jobs more, then I will. I won't give up.

Some will judge me because of my mistakes, and I don't blame them for that. But here I am today, making things right and promising never to do it or anything similar to it again.

I may have made some mistakes, but it won't stop me from becoming a new and changed man starting today.

Life doesn't end when you make mistakes, instead, it asks you to start a better life without them.

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