The Great Sammo Night


The Great Sammo Night

So, I'm just minding my own business on Steem tonight, when I think, Hey, I should pop on over to MSP, see what's going on there.

Seems like a normal enough thing to do right? Well, was I in for a surprise when I arrived!

First thing I noticed... Sammos as far as the eye can see. I look left, there's a Sammo, to my right, another Sammo! I was surrounded.


I decided to wade into this mess only to discover, I was no longer mk40! I had become Not Sammo!!! The shame I felt, indescribable.

It was at that moment they attacked! I was being hit with Sammo Steemes left and right! They were coming one after the other, there was no stopping them!

And then we all became samme.jpg

all teh sammos.png

got anymore sammos.jpg

birth name.jpg


I wasn't sure what to do at this point. My head was spinning, I was sitting thinking to myself...

are we all sammos.jpg

But then came another volley of Steemes!

you get a sammo.png

I am sammo.png

sammo now.jpg

Meanwhile, Sammo was sitting there loving the power he now had...

Everone Is Me Now.png

It was all too much for me, I couldn't take much more before I became Sammo myself...then finally, the tide started to turn.

one more time.jpg

too damn high.jpg

I was finally rescued from a lifetime a Sammo-ness by Shane...his return saved MSP from The Great Sammo Night...


It was just in time too...turns out the real Sammo couldn't handle this new cult of his, he nearly died of laughter! Travelnurse was on the job though so I think we would have been ok.

And that my friends is how The Great Sammo Night of 2017 happened...

Does this post not make any sense to you? That's ok, I'm not sure I fully understand it either, but if you really want to know what it's all about, head on over to the Minnowsupport Project at PALnet and be sure to check out all the great work Minnowsupport is doing for the Steemit community!

Big thanks to @sammosk, @sircork, @soundwavesphoton, @stitchybitch, @discordiant, @travelnurse, and @wandergirl for all the laughs tonight. I haven't gotten an ab workout like that in years!

Don't Forget to Upvote, Resteem, and Follow! STEEM ON EVERYONE

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