56 Days on Steemit, 71.982 Steem Power Earned, and Growing More Everyday | P.A.L.Net

Growth comes from Work

Since coming back to Steemit at the beginning of June 2017,
I have visited the site more than once everyday, sometimes
for hours on end.

Pre-HardFork19 days were madness for curation, throwing out
hundreds of votes in a day. Click, click, click... click!

I came back not knowing what to expect, I dropped a post about
a bird I found outside. It got little to no attention. I wasn't fazed.

I started posting crypto-content, art, and a couple short stories
to accompany them. I wasn't expecting to become rich financially
from posting my creative endeavors online for others to peruse
and bless with an upvote.

My best posts were some art that made me some decent SBD
and a link to a folder in my Google Drive box containing the
most up to date, less a version, copy of my in-progress R.P.G.
gamed called WAKE. If you like it and want to support me, send
me some $SBD or STEEM so I can power it up later. ;0

I dropped some Pokemon GO posts and some more crypto-market
content, as those things are common hobbies for me and most others.

I knew I wanted to keep track of my progress when I joined
up to support others like me, over at the MinnowSupportProject's
Head Quarters in a Discord Chat Server called P.A.L.Net.
Find us here: PALNet Discord Chat

Through P.A.L.Net I have met many other Steemians who I can
network with, chill'n'chat with on Discord, and share my work with
to get valuable feedback, and upvotes to help spread further my content
and mark on Steemit as I grow and gather a following.

So I made some charts, very simple trackers for Steem Power, which
I log daily. It's super-fast and easy to do.

Here they are:
This logs my STEEM Power at the end of the day, and how much of a gain
was made that day, and cumulative gains over the days for the full month.

I finished June with a gain of 34.167 STEEM POWER

It took me 25 days into JULY to beat that amount.

The lull in gains from July 11 to 19th was due to me having broke my hand.
Having my hand all wrapped up and immobilized really prevented me from
accomplishing much for several days, which was a major bummer.
I was soooo bored.

The Progress Wasn't Free

Aside from the work I put in in June writing THREE poems at the end of the
month, branching me into another niche here on Steemit, I wrote a post
promoting the POETRY room in the P.A.L.net Discord Chat channel.

All of these posts did me very well and set me up with some momentum
to begin July with.

Now, well into July I have 7 POETRY related posts up this month, and again
it's fairing me well.

I had to put in hard work and lots of networking to get those posts the attention
they deserved and then gave them a nice little boost from @MinnowSupport
and @randowhale.

If you're a minnow here on Steemit, and you're looking for assistance growing.
Sign up on Discord and join us in chat. You'll meet plenty of people with interest
in a wide spectrum of content. Everyone is friendly there and you have the added
bonus of the bots, who will vote for you, on the things you want, giving you and
your content a sweet, much needed boost in value & visibility.

@randowhale is a gamble but I used him often because I know that part of what I
invest in that post is going to come back to ME in the form of STEEM POWER.
The $SBD I make back from it can be recycled into other posts who may be lacking
the attention they need to grow and reach new followers.

Comment Worthy Content

Your aim on Steemit is to post content that will get a conversation going,
and stir up some words or controversy in someone else so they can express

I work hard on my POETRY content and love to share it with all of you.

Steemit makes me a better POET, because I know I am accountable to my audience.
Your comment is stored on the blockchain, same with my works, and your voice and
opinion are forever a part of the ecosystem here, whether we like it or not.

I write content that welcomes and incites comments because that's when I know
I've done something good.

POETRY is my primary avenue right now to doing that, and I'm doing it here, now,

How are you aiming to grow here?


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