MinnowSupportProject – Turning Minnows into Dolphins and Making Steemit A Better Place

I joined the minnowsupportproject (MSP) about a week ago. And after just a week, I decided it was worth delegating some of my steem power. You might ask, “Why?”

MSP is creating a real community.

One where people interact at a level more meaningful than “Can you upvote my post?”, or “Follow for follow?”
Instead, MSP participants are offering to review other users’ posts, give writing workshops, run contests, and award bounties for quality posts. In short, we’re trying to make Steemit a better place. And it’s working. The chat gets busier every day. @aggroed and the @minnowsupport team are making changes at a rapid pace to keep up with the needs of the community. They are adding channels, creating new projects, and finding more ways to support new users.

MSP is creating better content.

With the programs that have already been implemented, and new ones in the works, MSP is helping author write more effectively. They offer help with grammar, punctuation, style, content, and formatting.

Additionally, users upvoting garbage content may be removed from the project. So the community’s curation votes are only going to content of a quality that raises the overall average here on Steemit. That helps all of us - and makes it easier to find quality content, follow quality authors, and avoid the junk writing that plagues the platform.

MSP is turning minnows into dolphins.

With the help of some generous and incredibly helpful whales who-shall-not-be-named (they get enough notifications), and the hard work of the MSP team, our minnows posts have started soaring. Even for those who haven’t gotten traction yet, $1.00 on a post that otherwise would have received $0.05 is encouraging, and is helping them stick around. But many of them are already making hundreds per post, and as more people join, that’s only going to get better.

It’s a great community, and I’m happy to be a part of it. Delegating a chunk of my steem power to MSP is the least I can do. I know it’s going to help the community, and in turn that will help create opportunities for me.

Room for improvement, but getting better every day.

I’m not a Positive Pete, a Happy Helga, a Blind Bertha, or a Giggling Greggory. There are absolutely things that need improvement. But every day MSP notes some of the things I’m thinking of, and since I’ve delegated some SP, they’re even more willing to listen.

We need to do a better job of finding the best authors – to get them rewards right away so that they stay in the community. We can do a better job of organizing our content, helping our new users learn the system in a streamlined way, and in rewarding people in various ways based on the quality of their contributions. But I have no doubt that we’ll do those things.

Now I know you’re thinking… “So what can I do to help?”

If you’re not… you SHOULD BE. Seriously. It’s in your best interest.

Better content = more users who stick around. Which means your investment has more potential buyers. And we all know Facebook sucks because the content sucks. Help use boost good content!

I’ll assume you’re smart and didn't need that explanation. So:

It’s funny you should ask! Here’s a short list of things you can do to help:

• Join the project! Start at the Discord channel: Join now and follow the instructions to register.
• Follow minnowsupport.
• Delegate SP to minnowsupport, and help the community grow. Here’s how: SP Delegation.

Image swiped from @minnowsupport with aggroed's permission.

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