Community posting guidelines

Hey minnows. It's come up a few times with steem cleaners that some of the links that you're using to upvote don't actually conform to community guidelines. This is true for the Minnow Support Project, but also for steemcleaners who will in fact downvote your posts, take away your rewards, and lower your rep. So, in an ongoing effort to keep that from happening the cleaners were kind enough to make this informative video (thanks @bruckdashel)-

In addition you should know-

No porn
No hate speech
No inciting violence
No personal attacks
All original work or use something like pixabay for your images.
No shitposts (just an image or youtube without text)

You shouldn't do those things for lots of reasons. You might get away with some on your own, but we'll be pretty upset if you use the community account to upvote that kind of post. Abuse can cost you access to the community account. Repeated abuse will lose you access to MSP.

Lots of ways to write good content and lots of people in MSP that will help you spread it.

Keep on steemin' on!

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