MSP6k by 12/31/17? Challenge accepted!

The gauntlet has been thrown down. The challenge is on. It's time to grow. We're taking aim and calling the shot. 6,000 minnows by 12/31/17!

After taking a few weeks to sort things out internally we've delivered rules, community standards, and governance documents to clarify and expand how the Minnow Support Project will operate. Now that those are in place it's time to set some expectations and plan how we move forward.


The first goal is to grow our community. There are over 400k accounts now on steemit. 4,700 people per month actively choose to spend some time in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Discord channel available here:

Our charter is to spread the values of Peace, Abundance, and Liberty, help Steemit grow, and train and retain minnows on the platform. Hard to impact the minnows that aren't here, so it's time again we reach out and bring folks in. Call it fishing...

Anyway, here's the challenge. We want to grow to 6,000 by December 31. It's gonna take some contests, sbd, delegation, word of mouth, and radio time to get there, but that's challenge. As of this very second we're at 4700 active members. So, call yo' wife, call yo' kids: we're recruiting. It's a big family and a big tribe.

If you're feeling like a lonely fish in a giant empty ocean we're here to help.

Goal 2

This one is more of a head's up, a foreshadowing for the literary folks, of what's to come. We have created committees and it's part of our governance documents. We want to involve more people in the day to day operations of the Minnow Support Project. Each service or function will have a committee and each of those will be comprised of folks from the PALnet Discord. If you're looking for more detailed information check out this post: @minnowsupport/minnow-support-project-updated-governance-bylaws-and-charter-approved.

If you'd like to work with one of these committees start contacting the moderator or community leader listed.

MSP Operations

PALnet Oversight: @crimsonclad, @juliakponsford @sammosk
Community Curation Leaders: @isaria, @juliakponsford @sammosk
Finance Leaders: @followbtcnews ,@swelker101
Human Resources: @sammosk, @kubbyelizabeth
Product Department: @followbtcnews, @crimsonclad, @sammosk
IT Leaders: @ausbitbank, @sammosk, @r0nd0n
Development Leaders: @aggroed, @kubbyelizabeth, @sammosk

MSP Services

MAM Organizers: @sammosk, @juliakponsford
Health Leaders: @travelnurse, @swelker101 - physical
Community Development Leaders: @aggroed, @swelker101, @sammosk
Sheriffs: @discordiant
Writing Assistance Leaders: @sammosk
MSPwaves Station Leaders: @r0nd0n @globocop
Peace Academy Leaders: @aggroed, @isaria, @sammosk
MSP Library Leaders: @aggroed, @sammosk

We're looking forward to growing with you!

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