Protecting your Steemit Community.. AKA why I nark

Why I'm a nark and you should be too.

We all know that where there is value there are opportunistic thieves, even more so when there is the opportunity to gain value for free and well steemit has plenty of value and plenty of it given freely.

The abuse of these systems is rife but essentially boils down to a zero-sum game of the prisoner's dilemma if you don't know what the prisoner's dilemma is you can check out @thecryptofiend's post Here.

Ok, so maybe not a prisoners dilemma because the challenge we are talking about is acting prosocially.

Let me quote the Canadian Rapper Buba Brinkman.

If I cheat and you don’t cheat then I profit
If you cheat and I don’t cheat then you profit
So we both cheat, so we can each keep somethin’
But where did all the non-cheaters go?

If you don’t cheat, and I don’t, the team profits
And people on teams can achieve some deep pockets
The cheats won’t beat us as long as we keep watchin’
So if you cheat, we’re gonna know

Protecting MSP.

Before we begin I want to make it clear that I'm not a part of the MSP team and I am not speaking for them.

Unless you're super new or have been living under some kind of Steemit rock I assume you have at least heard of this project.

Just in case you haven't you can check out their web page here to get a better understanding of what they are trying to achieve.

In a nutshell, it's a community support program dedicated to helping minnows that was founded by community-minded witnesses like @aggroed, @ausbitbank, and supported by a bunch others who you can find and vote for here

A large part of this project happens on the Peace, Abundance, Liberty channel on Discord.

Here you're going to find chat rooms for Australia, India, France, Nigeria ++ rooms for gaming, crypto, competitions, music, and tons more along with friendly helpful people to point you in the right direction and answer questions where they can.

MSP Anit-Abuse

On this channel, you will also find an upvote bot that will literally give you a free upvote by simple typing $upvote followed by your post link.

How amazing is that? When I first joined steemit the cool down period for using this service was 12 hrs, then it grew to 24 then 36 then 48 additional the bot appears to sleep more and more these days.

This is partly to be expected as more people find that community and find value in contributing there however if you take just a tiny look at the content being upvoted in this channel you will find a stream of constant spam and low-quality posts, as well as systematic multi-account abuse of a system that was designed to support me and you.

My simple rule.

Personally, I think MSP should be requesting every one do this because if everyone that used it took steps to protect it then more remains available for legitimate users.

My simple rule is every time I use the bot I look for abuse(and sometimes just because spammers shit me), I promise you that finding abuse is very unlikely to take more than five minutes of your time.

Simply go to the channel and review just five links that have been put in there for an upvote and if you find spam, or a post with just a photo of a shoe with written content like "this is a shoe, I like to wear shoes because they go on feet." report it.

Navigate to the #msp-abuse-reporting comment with the username of the abuser, what the issue is and post the like with this format <>


Kind Regards



One last thing! @asapers a new curation team has started a profit-sharing curation post promotion, follow @asapers to check it and more out!

The STEEM Engine

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